New Grower Bay11, Chemdog 4, and Purple Princess first try

Jun 14, 2022
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So long story short, I did have a small grow room with a friend, that blew up in my face as usual, another reason I don't fucking like people and have become a hermit.
So after being able to return about half of the stuff I had to cull about 10 ladies, I moved what was left to my original place.
I know these aren't autoflowers, but so far I have enjoyed communicating and sharing with the people here.
Got seeds from growers choice. 1 bay 11, 1 chemdog 4, and 2 purple princess.
The purple princess are about 2 weeks behind the other two, they are also supposed to be indicas, why the hell do they have 11 leaves?
They are also as big as the other two almost, glad i switched them to flower.
From now on I will only grow 3 at a time. They were supposed to be smaller, the princess, but I feel I have been lied to.
Let me know what you all think.
Comments, questions, concern.
You are not going to hurt my feelings, I welcome well intended suggestions.
oh nice, i can mark it as a photo grow.
Gave them their first round of nutes 2 days ago, the bay 11 was looking a little pale, everything has really lushed up since.

So question, I've always heard of soil going salty, is that when the ph drops too low? my first round with my critical purples I was PHing about 6.3-6.4 because i thought it would go up. Turns out it went way down. So all these nutes that we put in and the biolical reactions taking place in the soil, actually brings the ph down, correct?
So I need to be watering high usually in soil, upwards of 6.6 area? would this be a correct assumption or conclusion drawn?View attachment 1513902