Brand spankin new at this

Mar 20, 2015
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I'm about to set up a closet grow in this closet: View attachment 436410 It's 2'X5'6"X5'8" to the rod, from which I plan to hang the light.

I plan to grow 6 plants, in soil, in 5 gallon (really 3.7 gallon liquid measure) using this plan:[easy-dirt-guide-]-16495.html I am letting this grow happen naturally, I may get into SOG or SCROG at a later date, but not now. If I need more light for that, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Since I'm legal at 6 plants or less, stealth is not a huge concern. I'll probably remove the closet doors.

I'm looking at these strains:, and probably one of these because I'm in a hurry: .

I'm considering the 450W Reflector. I'd also consider 2 300s but that would really break the bank.

One advantage I can see to getting 2 300s is that I could adjust them independently, allowing for some plants to grow taller than the others.

BTW, I have to buy from Amazon, because I have no money, but I have credit with them.

Is the 450 enough? Would 2 300s be worth the extra cost?

Also, will I need anything to hang the light(s) on that rod? If so, is there anything on Amazon that you would recommend?
The 144x3w Reflector would better cover that area since it's longer.

The 192x3w is more for square areas.
I'm actually debating between the three panel or two of the two panels


or two of the smaller option, like this:

The second option will break the bank,. but....

It seems that my grow area is right on the borderline.

I'd spend the extra money if I could expect to see significantly greater yield.
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Hey bro, just a heads up, you can buy from Herbies at this site and everything is on the up and up. You will receive your emails from Herbies and you can use the promo code Herbies for a 10% discount. The best thing is you get autoflower freebies with your order. I also heard you can use your Herbies log in info, but I had to make a new account, so I can't say first hand. However, I did put in an order that was shipped this past Monday with conformation from Herbies ... Peace bro!!!

There's been a thread in the last month about whether the site is legit or not, I didn't post in it, so I can't tell you where to find it, but a few of the highly regarded members here checked it out and that was good enough for me ... Peace!
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On the lights. I am just completing my first LED grow, and I used the 96x3 reflector series. I grew out 2 Dinafem Original Amnesia Autos. The single light that I used on this grow did an admirable job. I have already decided however that I will be adding a second light for the next grow. More is always better, (well usually at least). In the size and shape of your closet however, I would probably just bump up to the 144x3, long and thin is good in your case. Good luck.

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If I do this, it will be longer (almost the length of my closet), but no wider.

Both on this thread and on the other, there seems to be a miscommunication. I am either getting one 144x3 light (the 450 equiv), OR 2 96X3 lights which I would put end to end. If I put two 96X3 lights end to end, that would make it 4.5'X1' (135cmX32.5cm).

No no, I get it. Either of the suggested lights will serve your purpose. Your grow space is 1 plant deep and 3 plants wide (approx). That is based on the assumption that you will be growing these plants out and each plant will have about a 2' square footprint. (My plants were both this size once the side branching matured and filled in). In this case, at maturity, 3 plants will touch the walls at each end and all down the width of the closet. A single 144x3 would allow these plants to grow and produce, but maybe not thrive as well as they could, since all light is coming from a single source point. The 96x3 lights would give you more flexibility and 2 source points for light. Placed end to end you can get some separation and cover the closet from side to side.