Deimos leaves slightly yellowing.... Help



Hi All.... I have a Buddha seeds Deimos auto that is currently at day 70. It's looking like she is going to take another 30 days before she is ready. She is in organic soil and I've been using Technaflora recipe for success at 100% every other watering. Up to this point she has shown almost no signs of issues with nutes.

Today I noticed some of the big fan leaves higher up on the plant slightly yellowing. The flash in the pictures makes it look worse than it is to the naked eye. It's actually slight enough I probably would not have noticed but the LED made that leaf stand out from the others. I also noticed a different leaf that has a little spotting. I have not seen this any place else. Overall she looks healthy.

Anyway... After searching I'm thinking I maybe starting to have a nitrogen deficiency. What do you think? Any help would be appreciated.

She's just getting ready to start finishing up. It's normal. Your plants look extremely healthy except for that little place on the leaf, and that just looks like physical damage from being scratched or a fert splash... no big deal. :peace:
She is now at day 84... and huge! I'm thinking she has 2 weeks left but I'm hoping less. She is root bound. I'm wattering twice a day to try to keep her going. If she makes it through it will be a really nice harvest.
shes lookin pretty good mate... are you the same chinarider from RIU? If so... good to see you mate!

you might giver her just a tiny splash more of nitrogen but at this point robabaly better to let it ride....

2 weeks is just time to fatten up and finish... ideally you like to see some leaf yellowing at the end as its a sign you are perfect nutrient usage... no waste...

cheers mate! :smokebuds:
2 weeks at least. The calyxes look like they need to swell yet. She has some weight to put on for you still.
That original pic was posted a few weeks ago. Here she is now at day 84.... She is massive. I'm having to water ever day now to keep her happy. She is going to be a big yeilder but I think I am going to need to take her to 100 days. I'm using technaflora recipe for success for nutes... I added a little nitrate of soda for Nitrogen a while ago.

Nope.... Different china rider but I have been using the nick for years and years.
