New Grower Droopy a little pale

Jun 27, 2021
Reaction score
Problem: plant is droopy and some bottom leaves are slightly pale

Medium/grow method: promix potting soil

Feed: and supplements used: using a plant food that is 15-30-15 but only 1/8 of the amount

water source: tap water that has been left out at least 24 hours (usually longer) before use

PH in the root zone: unknown

Strain/age: Afghan auto 8th week since germination

light used: outdoor sun

Climate: some days are hot some not as much range 20-30 Celsius during the day 15 ish overnight

they are in a grow greenhouse tent outside. I have a few of this strain one is great 2 look like this my other plants are of different strains all look good. What might be causing this droop. I was wondering if maybe it is a needs more water situation because the 2 that are droopy are much bigger than the rest with much thicker stalks? I am new to this any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also it seems to get even droopier in the evening as the sun goes down.
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@Jenniferlynn :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:. I think she looks fine. If your fertilizer does not have any silica You could add a little of that. It will help strengthen the stems. Most soils already have enough. Your plant just has really big leaves that are heavy. She is growing hard right now and relaxing at the end of the day. No worries.
Only my thoughts but the droopers might need more water. Without being able to check soil so going by the top leaf stems drooping as well as the leaf. Over water is normally stiff stem with droopy (over saturated) leaf. Might try a tad more fert to see if that helps the yellowing. Seriously think about at least a pool ph test kit to at least see if your water is waaaaay out of range....10 bucks at my local hardware store and it showed me mine was in the 9's.........MoG is more the expert on diagnosis......main thing is don't do anything drastic or too many things at once or you'll be chasing your tail trying to find a fix to a problem you never really had...
That yellow looks like low nitrogen fade to me. Not enough in the pot so the plant is stealing it from the oldest leaves to feed the growing tops so a bit more fertilizer is in order.

I see from your original post that you are using a 15-30-15 which will eventually overload that plant with P and give a 'chem' taste to the buds when you smoke them. If you aren't going to invest in some dedicated pot food look for something good for tomatoes that is in the neighbourhood, (ratio) of 10-5-5 then as she flowers something high in K, the last number, will help fatten those buds up. Some Epsom Salts in flower is also a good addition as the plants like extra Mg and S then as well.

Tomatoes and pot have very much the same needs in soil, water, light and feeding tho tomatoes like higher P than K but pot the other way around once the plant is heavily into flower. High P is good for both at the onset of flowering.

Good luck!

To me, looks like part of the problem could be that it's a rather large plant for the container it's in. Since it's outside, perhaps carefully transplant the plant into a prepared soil bed or larger container.
That yellow looks like low nitrogen fade to me. Not enough in the pot so the plant is stealing it from the oldest leaves to feed the growing tops so a bit more fertilizer is in order.

I see from your original post that you are using a 15-30-15 which will eventually overload that plant with P and give a 'chem' taste to the buds when you smoke them. If you aren't going to invest in some dedicated pot food look for something good for tomatoes that is in the neighbourhood, (ratio) of 10-5-5 then as she flowers something high in K, the last number, will help fatten those buds up. Some Epsom Salts in flower is also a good addition as the plants like extra Mg and S then as well.

Tomatoes and pot have very much the same needs in soil, water, light and feeding tho tomatoes like higher P than K but pot the other way around once the plant is heavily into flower. High P is good for both at the onset of flowering.

Good luck!

Thank you I will find a different fertilizer I went with this because it was what I could find and I used only 1/8 the amount tonight I doubled it to 1/4 the amount in the water.
Only my thoughts but the droopers might need more water. Without being able to check soil so going by the top leaf stems drooping as well as the leaf. Over water is normally stiff stem with droopy (over saturated) leaf. Might try a tad more fert to see if that helps the yellowing. Seriously think about at least a pool ph test kit to at least see if your water is waaaaay out of range....10 bucks at my local hardware store and it showed me mine was in the 9's.........MoG is more the expert on diagnosis......main thing is don't do anything drastic or too many things at once or you'll be chasing your tail trying to find a fix to a problem you never really had...
Thank you I have an aquarium checker I checked tonight I will post my update below and thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Only my thoughts but the droopers might need more water. Without being able to check soil so going by the top leaf stems drooping as well as the leaf. Over water is normally stiff stem with droopy (over saturated) leaf. Might try a tad more fert to see if that helps the yellowing. Seriously think about at least a pool ph test kit to at least see if your water is waaaaay out of range....10 bucks at my local hardware store and it showed me mine was in the 9's.........MoG is more the expert on diagnosis......main thing is don't do anything drastic or too many things at once or you'll be chasing your tail trying to find a fix to a problem you never really had...
Thank you things are looking worse I have made a little adjustment will post pictures and details below any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

I tested my water today with my aquarium tester it is 7.4. I googled this does not seem good what can I do to get it down?
The bottom leaves are looking worse and even my plants that are doing good are starting to have yellowing bottom leaves too.
Today I upped the fertilizer I was putting instead of 1/8 the amount of the 15-30-15 in water I put 1/4. I will go out looking for more suitable food the 10-5-5 I can likely get around here anything better I will likely have to order online. Can anyone recommend which to go with? Should I change now or just get better products for next year?
The drooping looks a little better but the fading is getting worse.

thank you all for your help and advice I am full of questions.