Dutch Passion Dutch Passion Interview - Mahmoud Hanachi talks THCV, CBG and Special Cannabinoids

:d5: great find luv, thank you! The "alternative" cannabinoids are very interesting on so many levels,... small wonder DP, GW Pharma' and others have been working this end of the puzzle like they have... to think this is the tip of the iceberg!
@Shiva's Mistress good share thanks.

I am a firm believer in the synergistic effect of many cannabinoids as well as isolation. Cannabis is not the be all end all medicine but it is a hell of a lot more than we know.
@Shiva's Mistress good share thanks.

I am a firm believer in the synergistic effect of many cannabinoids as well as isolation. Cannabis is not the be all end all medicine but it is a hell of a lot more than we know.

Glad you found this. Was about to tag you, then got distracted by my coffee... :p
I think humanity will be finding and studying all these cannabinoids, individually and synergistically for decades,
and breeding cultivars that have various combinations of them.
It's catch up time after decades of prohibition.
You can see the professionalism of DP even in such a short video interview.
See the same professionalism in other top breeders, like Dinafem's amazing lab work, too.