FDA outlaws all CBD extracts.

I think I'd wait for it to come from a little better source. Searched around and found surprisingly little on the 'Net for something that would be big news like this.

Here's a quote from another little gem of an article on that same "news" site:

Our discussion of field generated ‘mind control’ is going to be short. Suffice it to say that a highly respected defense electronics firm, not from the US, secretly has demonstrated the ability to “broadcast” feelings, ideas and images directly into the minds of a sector of the population over a wide geographical area. Let me stop right here.”

Full article: http://www.theeventchronicle.com/intel/psychotronic-firewalls-public-truth/

I did find where the FDA sent several letters to CBD product manufactures who's products tested negative for the CBD's advertised, which I think some may be twisting into the "the sky is falling" conspiracy scare type article above: http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/PublicHealthFocus/ucm484109.htm[/quote]
I know i am late.

In California, you can buy the stuff over the counter in cigarette stores without a prescription. And it's is all over the place. As long as it is non psychoactive, it should be fine. That is why you can get rubs and creams and hemp products as well.

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