Fumo Pipe - Anyone have one?

Mar 4, 2019
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Currently Smoking
White Widow, Mazar, Northern Lights, Blue Dream
Saw a pipe that looked interesting called a Fumo Pipe. Does any AFN member have experience with a Fumo who can say if the pipe is worth considering to purchase?
That is interesting. I don't recall ever seeing that one when I originally did research for a vape box/pen. Hopefully someone will will come along with answers for you.
Same here @AutoWonders. I have bought various vapes, bubblers, bongs....etc, yet have never seen this Fumo pipe listed. Supporting information says the pipe body is cut from a billet aluminum, and the body of the pipe cools the smoke. It looks pretty neat if you haven't seen an ad for one.
I have one.

Its okay. I bought it for visitors, something they could use. None of them like it lol. One friend calls it the cough machine. If you plan on it being your regular device you'll soon adapt to it and its okay. Does the job. The button on the top is an air hit.
Thanks for the words of wisdom, @ion. It doesn't sound like this is the pipe to write home about, but I suppose it burns a bowl of weed and gets the job done. Like you say, I'll need to get some experience with the pipe to learn how to make it work best for me. Thanks!
I have
and yes you'll soon adapt to it. nice pipe, always with me