Outdoor Google Earth for Guerrilla Recon




The sun tool is money.
Google Earth is FREE. I can see where the hills and valleys are and where the
sun is gonna hit. Any time of the day any day of the year. If you also run google maps on your browser at the same time you can find the streams are too.
Good post, i use google earth as well!! You can record the long/lat and go right to it if you have a mobile gps handheld.

It's also a good idea to hit up chapters/indigo or amazon for a "back road atlas" Has helepd me gain access to some old logging roads and such.
thank you this is going to be really helpful for me!!
i use google earth a lot too... live maps from bing gives another 4 way angular perspective if you go to birds eye view... maps.live.com much cleaner imagery as its shot from an airplane entirely high quality. not available some places...

bailer.. thanks for the back road atlas idea... never thougt of that!
Great idea, but it's been thought of. I wanted to do it when I started geocaching but never got around to it. Than, State cops in a non legal state, adjacent to mine, busted a deep woods garden by tracking suspicious gps activity in the area. They simply pulled readouts from the satellites and looked for people who had multiple hits to obscure areas where people usually don't tread. They were even able to catch a guy when he used his car garmin to go to a site they had been tracking and were able to have cops on him before he could get from his parking spot to the grow site. So use it as a scoping tool, but be careful to not frequent any areas with your gps device or even online.
Im in Ky and we have had a few people get busted by there gps in they had in there cars when they get pulled over and the cops seen all the supplies they packed out of there spot with em. Then they find the hand held gps and it leads em right to the plants.

It is a good tool for finding spots. But be safe with the gps in your car or the hand held ones.
Pacific nw here, I use google maps to
Help map out sites. While it isn't the
Most up to date info, it helps map out urban locations for gurella grows. I used it last year to help map out a guerella grow in the middle of a major city. Sometimes it helps give perspective. I'll agree it's not the end all be all of growing tools and that marking off the grow on gps is idiotic, but it helps.
qalso... for higher detail... maps.live.com then go to "birds eye" view