help finding natural deer repellent

May 12, 2013
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Garanimal Cookies joint
I seen the bone sauce video but id rather not do that I would build a fence but I can't have anything out of the ordinary someone would most likely see it please help my areas infested with deer...
I seen the bone sauce video but id rather not do that I would build a fence but I can't have anything out of the ordinary someone would most likely see it please help my areas infested with deer...

Try mixing up your own ripe eggs and water slurry before plunking down big bucks on commercial sprays.

Whisk together: 1 egg, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil, 1/2 teaspoon liquid dish soap and 10 drops of clove oil.
Add to 1/2 gallon of water. Spray on the plants and new growth, reapplying after a hard rain or once every five to six days. I found this to be very helpful and successful in my "normal" garden.

For strong doses of deer repellant you can use, 1 egg, a 1/ cup of milk, a big dash of cayenne pepper as well as a nice dose of garlic powder
Now, to make this really strong just spray entire area out with, make like a gallon of this stuff and spary in plentiful everywhere on your borders of your grow area and even as close to the soil your plants are in.
Use much lighter mix to spray on the plants, it does not hurt them.
The above recipe is for just 1 liter, so you do the math and make your spray 1/4 the strength and spray on or close to plants, a very light mixture is ok for the plants, but the strong dose use seems to keep even the worst of critters from messing with any of my plots.

There is also soap:

One method of deer repellent that has been shown to work at least as well as many other odor-based methods is the use of bath soap, particularly Dial brand. It is unclear what the deer dislike about it, but it is an inexpensive way to start your deer repelling ventures. Simply drill a hole through the center of the bar of soap and hang it with fishing line in trees and around your gardens.

Morganite. I think it's sold as lawn food.
It's made from processed sewer sludge- absolutely keeps deer away, lasts a long time. Ideal for guerrilla gardening in the bush. Can't say if it works on other critters.

Good luck hope this helps!!!
Awesome bro thank you I'll give them a try
The product is Milorgamite available at all home centers. Mixed reviews on how well it works. Dial soap is as good as coyote urine, for way less. From google research. Best is deer fencing, which is lightweight, hard to see from over 20 feet, and cheap. Can use bamboo plant stakes for mounting, or to trees and shrubs. Birds can see it. I will try all three.
I also recently heard that Irish Spring bath soap works very well but haven't tried it myself. Supposedly the smell of the soap makes the deer think there is a human around.

The best product I've found has been Liquid Fence Deer and Rabbit Repellant. A gallon is about $35 and was more than enough for the whole season with the 8 plants I had. Unlike urine that has to be reapplied after every rain, it only needs to be applied once a month. I sprayed the plants directly until they started to bud, as well as a few feet around each plant. I saw deer hoof prints right next to the plants yet the deer didn't bother them. Didn't loose a bit once I started using it.
most hardware stores have several kinds ...the coyote blend works good ..deer don't like coyote's...if your near florida they have an aligator one that's good, deers don't like aligators, but aligators like deer
also a excellent one comes from africa it's a mix of heyena and wild african dog scent ..deers really don't like either one of those animals!
Dried Fox Urine from Ace Hardware. Deer think a family of foxes are setting up an living area. Sprinkle on the ground in a few areas around the yard. NO deer, rabits or the pesky neighbor's cat that uses your garden as a litter box.
For an inexpensive way you can use human or dog hair, just put it in a nylon sock (so it doesn't fly off) around the plant. My grandparents use that to keep rabbits way from field crops with solid results, I gess it works on deer to. It has to be a reasonable amount so that the animals smell it and think it's a human/dog.
I tried all this stuff outdoor.
It all failed.
The only thing that would stop deer in my area was a cage over the plant.