Help please my plants are wilting and leaves are drooping pics included



i just started adding Dyna Gro nutrients a week ago i dont no what the problem is with these two ladies Fast Bud and Big Devil


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No pics... could be a number of different things. What's your setup? In a tent? Closet? Size of bulb (how many watts)? Ventilation? Lots of stuff we need to know to help. Thanks.
Ahh, there they are. Still would like to know details on the setup.
Is that big box fan blowing straight on 'em, as well as the fans on the other side? What are your temps like? They really don't look that bad to me. I can see a couple bigger fan leaves kind of laying a little low, but nothing looks like it's wilting or really being super droopy. Sometimes as a plant grows and if the ventilation isn't adequate it can increase the humidity in the space, which can cause some droopiness. I just experienced that in one of my rooms. It gets SUPER hot in there and is tough to cool off. My girl won't let me get an AC for the house.... grrrr
Okay I'll take your advice but is it normal for my big fan leaves to twist
And yes all those fans are blowing straight on the plants temps are 81 and I'm using 2 150 watt metal halide bulbs