Help With Green Crack (Auto) Seedling Please

Apr 24, 2019
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My seedling is looking kind of rough - info and pictures, below. Any help greatly appreciated!

Please fill in this form: (copy and paste part is below, this first one tell what specifically to include)

-Problem: Green Crack seedling is 12 days old and has isn't looking very good. Weak stem and discolored leaves
-Medium/grow method: Coco loco and Kind Soil
-Feed and supplements used: used Root Riots and planted in solo cup with coco loco and kind soil on bottom
-Water source: distilled water, sprayed into dome - also watered directly

-Strain and age:
Green Crack 12 days old
-Climate: 70 degrees, 50% RH
- Light used: CFL 24 hours, 5 inches distance
-Additional info: Started about 4 days ago. Plant had weak stem so turned on a fan - not blowing directly on it. And added moist Coco Loco around stem and firmed it.
Note: there was water in the red solo cup under the clear solo cup.

Thanks so much!


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Hello, few questions and observations;

1) Get a cup that is no see through, light on roots is never good.

2) How often and how much do you water?

3)With cfls you will want them as close as possible without touching (I would aim for an inch) the weak stem could because the plant is stretching to get light.

4) Do you have drainage holes made in your cup?
See thru cups
Temps are low for seedlings, 5 to 10 higher.
Distilled water is empty... of everything, no minerals etc. Cal/mg will be needed minimally to get an accurate pH to feed with.
Hi - thanks for your response.

The see through cup is placed in a red solo cup to block light. There are drainage holes in the bottom of the red solo cup.

This is in Coco Loco with Kind Soil (super soil) at the bottom of the cup so I don't have to feed. I, and others, have sprouted seeds this way.

I will put a heating mat under the seedling.

Will lower the CFL to one inch.

Any other idea?

Thanks again for your help!
Thanks @namvet25 - I will do that this afternoon!

I like the transplant asap idea. Your Kind soil is for your final container, not your starter cup. Pre moisten your final pot and let it sit in your grow environ for 12-24hrs before transplant.Water lightly around drip line when needed. Good growing.
That seedling looks fragged genetically mate, distorted leaves, color break,.. a mutie likely, nothing to be done,... run with it and see if she improves, or yank it out and start fresh, time will tell if you want to gamble,...
Too early to fimm, you need to get a few more nodes stacked before you do that.. topping is usually a better way to go with auto's, if at all... much depends on the strain itself, it's growth behavior... look up breeder notes on this, if they have any....