How long after paper towel germination for sapling to break through the soil


Cultivators Club
May 15, 2021
Reaction score
After reading up a bunch of dvery informative threads on this forum, I decided to do the following:

- Dropped a seed in a glass of water and kept it in a dark place - in about 24 hours, the seed sank to the bottom
- Used the moist paper towel method to germinate the seed - it sprouted in less than 24 hours
- Decided to plant this directly into it's final growing space which is a fabric pot with potting mix (coco peat + compost + soil) - made a hole (likely a bit too deep) and dropped the seed and covered it up with a bit of soil. I have been spraying water regularly to keep it moist and the pot is in a shaded place (outdoors, but no direct sunlight). It has been 2 days now and the sprouted seed still hasn't broken through the soil, so I am getting a bit worried as to what might be happening.

I would really appreciate suggestions on what to do next - should I wait for another day or two before poking into the soil to see what's going on?
If you had a decent root on it when you planted it, it should show up soon. What is your temperature?
ya, give it another couple dayz before pokin around ;) ppp
If you had a decent root on it when you planted it, it should show up soon. What is your temperature?
Yes, the root was about 1 cm long. It's an outdoor grow and I am in a tropical country, so temperatures range in the 70 to 80F (23 to 27C)

ya, give it another couple dayz before pokin around ;) ppp
Understood - this is the first time I am growing in this manner, so a bit anxious :)
Understood - this is the first time I am growing in this manner, so a bit anxious :)

:smoking: ppp
Yes, the root was about 1 cm long. It's an outdoor grow and I am in a tropical country, so temperatures range in the 70 to 80F (23 to 27C)

Understood - this is the first time I am growing in this manner, so a bit anxious :)
Those temps are perfect for the babe. She should show up soon. Any idea how deep the seed went? Did you orient it root down, or just drop it in?
i start the majority of mine in root riots but doing your method its took from 2 days up to 4 just have to be patient
Those temps are perfect for the babe. She should show up soon. Any idea how deep the seed went? Did you orient it root down, or just drop it in?
I hope she pops out of the soil soon! The orientation of the root wasn't perfect, but it was generally pointing in the downward direction :) I believe I dropped the seed about 1 or 1.5 inch deep, but I covered it up with maybe 1/2 inch of soil, so there is a bit of an indentation right where the hole is.

i start the majority of mine in root riots but doing your method its took from 2 days up to 4 just have to be patient
Understood, will wait patiently I guess. I germinated a french bean seed in coco peat around the same time and it's already sprouted!
I hope she pops out of the soil soon! The orientation of the root wasn't perfect, but it was generally pointing in the downward direction :) I believe I dropped the seed about 1 or 1.5 inch deep, but I covered it up with maybe 1/2 inch of soil, so there is a bit of an indentation right where the hole is.

future tip -> beanz only need to be planted about 1/4" down...the further down it'z planted, the longer it'll take to sprout....jus sayin ;) ppp
future tip -> beanz only need to be planted about 1/4" down...the further down it'z planted, the longer it'll take to sprout....jus sayin ;) ppp

Got it - again, all you folks have been incredibly helpful here. I am getting to learn quite a bit - thanks much! I will continue to keep a close eye for the next couple of days before doing anything stupid ;)