just need abit of your wisdom guys

Feb 3, 2011
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Ok guys and evening,
im after abit of info,Im not a breeder but what happen was,i was growing my PJ and they got cross with a male white widow of mine,so i end up with seeds,iv just grown the seeds to see how they do,they seem not to flower under 18/6 so i had to do 12/12,in the flower time near the end it give of a litte yellow flower of some sort could work out what it was,well iv got the buds hang up now drying today i moved them when 3 seeds come form a bud, i had look for more seeds on the bud but none was there,the seed look so dark and skin look like a tigger,why did this happen any info be gart,as im thinking now well this seed autoflower now,as she made her own seeds
Thanks :peace:
hey dude

That little yellow flower was probably a male flower, if your 3 seeds comes from pollen released by this male flower, the beans will very likely produce hermaphrodite plants.

Each of those seeds has about a 25% chance of being autoflower.
hey dude

That little yellow flower was probably a male flower, if your 3 seeds comes from pollen released by this male flower, the beans will very likely produce hermaphrodite plants.

Each of those seeds has about a 25% chance of being autoflower.

ok guys i thought that when i did see the yellow flower,i do rembber when the male open hes flower it was yellow, well i can tell you i must have some more seeds to come then, as some of the other buds push some yellow flowers out too,so look like i got some more seeds to come,i well give them seeds a run soon see we can fine an autoflower,but as all way thanks :peace:
Its not a male flower guys as there is no male dna to pass on from its self. It is female pollen which can only produce females, but since it pollenated itself they will all be hermies. Everthing else you said was correct tho. If germ'ed they would most likely be hermie's
ok SmashedbyHashish like i say im not a breeder,and iv got alot of good seeds here anyway,i mite just keep them to next year and plant them out side in the woods,and let them do what they like out there as no one goes in there,but thanks for some good info :peace: