@Emerald Archer @Frankthetank


Spent the day harvesting the Strawberry Nuggets. Took apart the system, cleaned and blasted the empty tent with Ozone. Chopped them and wet trimmed. They are now hanging.

I wanted to document everything but during the tent cleanup I dropped my phone. It does not work at all. All my photos are in it.

My one complaint during growth is they are so short and dense that it was impossible to clean up the inner foliage on one. As a result, the short purple pheno has a lot of light airy little buds. Oh well.

The pink one has some nice heavy bright pink buds. Looks don't matter that much to me but I hope they keep their colour in the dry and cure.

The green pheno is the frostiest. After trim the buds have a hint of light pink.

Trimming was a real chore, not because of the calyx/leaf ratio but because of the sheer density of foliage. I tried to be meticulous becauslots of of buds touch each other and many are right up against the stems.

I put a couple of tiny buds in a paper bag to quick dry so I can have a little taste before all is dried and cured, plus I have maybe a half gram of finger/scissor hash.
@420Forever you got some eye protection for Gracie for totality?
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mmm, nice thought & thx & all, but in reality, that'z one o' the biggest mythz out there :doh: i mean, think about it -> no animal of any kind jus stopz & lookz voluntarily at the sun & starez at it as a natural thing....that'z jus plain sillee :doh: jus sayin.... ;) ppp