Mephisto Genetics Meph germ. issues


"Russian warship, go F yourself"
Cultivators Club
Mar 10, 2020
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Dabbing Sour Stomper
Anyone having trouble germinating Mephisto gear lately? I have having a lot of germ failures with HBBH and AvT. My tried and true method isn't working (12H soak in filtered water and a very small amount of humic/kelp and then into Root Riot soaked in 6.0 water and squeezed out - kept at 79 F and 70% RH). I have tried germinating 5 HBBH and 3 AvT without success.

Tried paper towel method too. No luck.

I don't blame genetics but likely storage/transport issues. These are older strains in the catalog so I have no idea when they were actually produced. I assume they were stored correctly by Meph but don't know how they were stored during transport and distribution, and how they were stored by seed bank . I assume several weeks in a shipping container doesn't help. In any event - just wondering if anyone else is having challenges with their earlier catalog. Thanks.
Anyone having trouble germinating Mephisto gear lately? I have having a lot of germ failures with HBBH and AvT. My tried and true method isn't working (12H soak in filtered water and a very small amount of humic/kelp and then into Root Riot soaked in 6.0 water and squeezed out - kept at 79 F and 70% RH). I have tried germinating 5 HBBH and 3 AvT without success.

Tried paper towel method too. No luck.

I don't blame genetics but likely storage/transport issues. These are older strains in the catalog so I have no idea when they were actually produced. I assume they were stored correctly by Meph but don't know how they were stored during transport and distribution, and how they were stored by seed bank . I assume several weeks in a shipping container doesn't help. In any event - just wondering if anyone else is having challenges with their earlier catalog. Thanks.
Hello yes i have had about 50% not germ on me stoped growing with them now they are not worth the $$$$ you pay for them IMHO
We have been doing extensive germ testing over the last few months. I will post a thread later this week. Nothing in our seed stock is more than a year old and we are seeing close to 100% germ rate on everything we have in stock.
Not sure what I can do with that information, but thank you for posting Stan.
I had one SODK that was a dud. I cracked it open after it wouldn’t germ and found it was basically a hollow shell. I have a pack of strawberry nugs that every seed in the pack so far will crack open but not sprout a tail. At first I thought it was a garbage pack but just started putting them in soil as soon as the seed cracked and they all grew fine. Everything besides the SODK shell seed has been 100% germination rate. Damp paper towel in a ziplock and set em right in the grow tent and they are all ready to plant in about 36 hours.
Anyone having trouble germinating Mephisto gear lately? I have having a lot of germ failures with HBBH and AvT. My tried and true method isn't working (12H soak in filtered water and a very small amount of humic/kelp and then into Root Riot soaked in 6.0 water and squeezed out - kept at 79 F and 70% RH). I have tried germinating 5 HBBH and 3 AvT without success.

Tried paper towel method too. No luck.

I don't blame genetics but likely storage/transport issues. These are older strains in the catalog so I have no idea when they were actually produced. I assume they were stored correctly by Meph but don't know how they were stored during transport and distribution, and how they were stored by seed bank . I assume several weeks in a shipping container doesn't help. In any event - just wondering if anyone else is having challenges with their earlier catalog. Thanks.
Hi mate,

The sour crack I recently grew was at least three years old. Took 5 days for a tail to appear but both grew out. They were in my seed box and dragged around with me during a very unsettled period. I’m surprised they managed it but somehow they did. I recently gave someone some hubbabubba seeds from the same time period so hopefully they will crack.
For my HBH. I put the bean in a shot glass of RO water and allowed it to sit in it for about 24 hours. After that I proceeded to place that very same seed and a little of the water used to soak it onto a paper towel then ziplock it and place it into a dvd case for another 24 hours. How I see it, soaking it will encourage the shell to plump up and encourage growth once it reaches the dvd case stage. Keep it in a dark room temperature room. I don’t give anything to the seed. Just plain RO water. I usually put mine straight into the coco with a small dome for humidity. So usually 48 to 73 hours for both of my HBH to finally germinate. Best of luck, friend! I’m sorry you’ve had trouble.
Anyone having trouble germinating Mephisto gear lately? I have having a lot of germ failures with HBBH and AvT. My tried and true method isn't working (12H soak in filtered water and a very small amount of humic/kelp and then into Root Riot soaked in 6.0 water and squeezed out - kept at 79 F and 70% RH). I have tried germinating 5 HBBH and 3 AvT without success.

Tried paper towel method too. No luck.

I don't blame genetics but likely storage/transport issues. These are older strains in the catalog so I have no idea when they were actually produced. I assume they were stored correctly by Meph but don't know how they were stored during transport and distribution, and how they were stored by seed bank . I assume several weeks in a shipping container doesn't help. In any event - just wondering if anyone else is having challenges with their earlier catalog. Thanks.

Here are a few tips and tricks. Some may be "bro science" or do not have a lot of info support it. But it might be worth a shot.

First, verify the temperature. Assuming you using a heat mat or something, try to verify the temp with an IR thermometer.

  • Plant direct in soil. Sometime is just best to follow the KISS method
  • Try freezing/refrigerating your seeds before planting. I've met a few old heads who swear by this. Let them adjust back to room temp a few days before planting. A number of plants release their seeds in fall, and will freeze over naturally before germinating in spring. Some seeds specifically need the freeze in order for them to germinate at all. So there is a little bit of anecdotal evidence to back this up.
  • Try scuffing the seed with sand paper to help loosen the shell. Never tried it myself, but have seen it done numerous times.
  • Try a product like Urb Natural. Urb is a farm friend and they claim that soaking the seeds in their product can help increase germ rates. It is on my to do list to test this on a large scale with some of our older breeding stock
Hope this helps