N toxicity help, should i flush?

Jul 17, 2017
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so been having this issue with my plants due to my "hot" soil which im starting to find out could also be caused by me overwatering and adding to many nutes to early.

im using canna terra pro soil, which is apparently high in N to begin with. this problem started showing awhile ago, i tried to flush it out over the last week with just water instead of feeds, but after feeding them again yesterday its popped its head again and is spreading.

after advice on what to do, i've heard if i flush alot of water thru it to try and clear the soil it can actually release more of the nutes in the soil? so should i just wait and go back to watering small amounts at a time and just give them water?

i'm using tangs basic guide for nutes, so its currently been fed 1ml / l of Sensi bloom A/B (ph perfect) and 1ml/l tarantula. (was using 1ml/l of calimagic but stopped that due to this issue) i fed them all 200ml yesterday and symptoms have spread, prior to that they were on just water after a fairly big flush 4 days ago.

all plants are showing symptoms now previously it was only a few, not sure what to do since im getting conflicting info looking around. if its ok to flush can i just stick them in the shower?

i dont have a ph meter but i have a TDS meter, my tap water is around 130PPM and testing the soil mixed with some water its currently reading 230PPM so not really sure what to make of it all. nutes mixture going in read around 700PPM.

if need any more info or pics let me know. (took photos under normal lights without flash)

this is the worst affected plant, as its also got stunted growth compared to the others only showing minor symptoms but still decent growth.
so been having this issue with my plants due to my "hot" soil which im starting to find out could also be caused by me overwatering and adding to many nutes to early.

im using canna terra pro soil, which is apparently high in N to begin with. this problem started showing awhile ago, i tried to flush it out over the last week with just water instead of feeds, but after feeding them again yesterday its popped its head again and is spreading.

after advice on what to do, i've heard if i flush alot of water thru it to try and clear the soil it can actually release more of the nutes in the soil? so should i just wait and go back to watering small amounts at a time and just give them water?

i'm using tangs basic guide for nutes, so its currently been fed 1ml / l of Sensi bloom A/B (ph perfect) and 1ml/l tarantula. (was using 1ml/l of calimagic but stopped that due to this issue) i fed them all 200ml yesterday and symptoms have spread, prior to that they were on just water after a fairly big flush 4 days ago.

all plants are showing symptoms now previously it was only a few, not sure what to do since im getting conflicting info looking around. if its ok to flush can i just stick them in the shower?

i dont have a ph meter but i have a TDS meter, my tap water is around 130PPM and testing the soil mixed with some water its currently reading 230PPM so not really sure what to make of it all. nutes mixture going in read around 700PPM.

if need any more info or pics let me know. (took photos under normal lights without flash)

this is the worst affected plant, as its also got stunted growth compared to the others only showing minor symptoms but still decent growth.
1 off mine went like that near the beginning the Leafs looked burnt n went crispy and almost translucent but it out grew it and those Leafs stayed at the bottom then fell off, but no idea why wish i still had the pics , i would like 2 no this also
from my research im starting to think its this soil as its lower PH then cannabis likes. i think i may need to add some dolomite lime to get the PH up in the soil? so not sure if flushing will do any good. might just keep it to water with no nutes for a while and go get some dolomite lime to add to the soil. i dont really want to stress the plants anymore with another big flush unless i have to. luckily they are still growing, well the others anyway this one seems munted.
from my research im starting to think its this soil as its lower PH then cannabis likes. i think i may need to add some dolomite lime to get the PH up in the soil? so not sure if flushing will do any good. might just keep it to water with no nutes for a while and go get some dolomite lime to add to the soil. i dont really want to stress the plants anymore with another big flush unless i have to. luckily they are still growing, well the others anyway this one seems munted.
i cant say man i never took any water or soil ph ever just water from the tap straight in and never fed at all untill they were budding , but 1 was like urs and it stunted growth, then from nowhere it just went mad and became the biggest plant lol i no i post these same pics but for example the small 1 in these pics is the massive 1 in the next just look at the pots even lol all with only water and i used canna bio soil


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from my research im starting to think its this soil as its lower PH then cannabis likes. i think i may need to add some dolomite lime to get the PH up in the soil? so not sure if flushing will do any good. might just keep it to water with no nutes for a while and go get some dolomite lime to add to the soil. i dont really want to stress the plants anymore with another big flush unless i have to. luckily they are still growing, well the others anyway this one seems munted.
the more u research the more u will panic lol i defo went through that lmao
from my research im starting to think its this soil as its lower PH then cannabis likes. i think i may need to add some dolomite lime to get the PH up in the soil? so not sure if flushing will do any good. might just keep it to water with no nutes for a while and go get some dolomite lime to add to the soil. i dont really want to stress the plants anymore with another big flush unless i have to. luckily they are still growing, well the others anyway this one seems munted.
Pal, you need some way to measure your ph, no way around it. Strips, drops, or meters it all works. Have to start somewhere. You're adding liquid nutes, so it has to be measured some way. Your new growth is looking normal, which is good. Can't fix damage already done to leaves by adding more water. From reading, you have used "flushing" to correct issues after feeding more than once. Things are getting on course, but oversaturation of soil could result in an anaerobic root zone, which can also cause issues with nutrient uptake. Balance. pH between 6.5 and 6.8.
I'd say water only for a couple weeks. If your soil was hot from the bag, your compounding the problem by adding nutes. Seedlings have it rough in hot soil, but can grow thru it... but yes, you need to be watching your ph.
Pal, you need some way to measure your ph, no way around it. Strips, drops, or meters it all works. Have to start somewhere. You're adding liquid nutes, so it has to be measured some way. Your new growth is looking normal, which is good. Can't fix damage already done to leaves by adding more water. From reading, you have used "flushing" to correct issues after feeding more than once. Things are getting on course, but oversaturation of soil could result in an anaerobic root zone, which can also cause issues with nutrient uptake. Balance. pH between 6.5 and 6.8.
Yeah shit I forgot to say I have strips but they only give a range. PH of tap water is 6.8 - 7.2 when i tested the soil water it was reading closer to 6.4 on the strip colour.

Tap water

Soil pH (it's a bit faded but was closer to the 6.4 colour

Nutes water (looks like 6.4 to me)
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her leaves aren't curling under like N tox does
leaf tips aren't burnt
I think your ok and she'll grow just fine, give her some water.
Ph problem, maybe? I don't mess with it