Need help now please. Before its too late.



Im growing in Plant Magic soil(organic) and was gonna use their Oldtimer grow and bloom. I havent had to use the grow at all as nearly 7 weeks in and im still getting run off water up in the high 1800ppm!?! Maybe I should of used more water wen feeding but a tiny sprout in a big 10 litre pot dont need much, do they. Well of my 3 autos the Sweet seeds Fast Bud is by far the best one. He is doing fine and swelling up nicely where as the La Bella Afrodita and the speedy Gonz dont look good. The Speedy is the worse. I think its K deficency. Or P maybe. Not sure thats why Im asking coz if I get it wrong, can make alot worse. My pH is high at about 7.5-8 after feed is mixed in. But being an organic grow I shouldnt need to worry about pH. Ive yet to give them nutes yet as this has happened quite quickly.
This is from the Speedy Gonz. 2 pics.


Then we have 2 photos of the Fast Bud,which is fine so far. Then its the La Bella Afrodita.3 pics.


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Well, it's your ph. To high. Also some cal/mag would help.
I'm doing organic nutes myself. And I have found out that when they say "no need to adj. ph" that's because it's formulated to be used with drinking water. Drinking water is ph at 7.5 which is what us people need.
Give them a flush with some quality distilled water. That's as close as your gonna get to the right ph without checking it. I don't recommend using it all the time though. Get you a good Hanna pen ph meter also.
Just because it's organic doesn't mean that the pH doesn't matter. pH is definitely too high. Get that in check and I bet you'll see things get in line.
Ive got Growth Tech. Potassium Hydro liquid as a ph down. Is it all right to use with an organic grow.? It wont effect the microherd, will it?
Also have loads of rain water in my butt. Eh! My water-butt,that is. No, I'm not into Colonical Irrigation! So would it be alright to start using that.And does rain water have the same pH everywhere? And wat is it? My pH meter died time ago.Having to use a GH liquid tester which is a pain.Thanks for the advice guys.Also, why is the other plant seemingly uneffected?Cheers, reds..
So would it be alright to start using that

Rain water is Normally a better ph than the tap water.

My Tap is 8.4 ph..

my Rain comes in around 6.5 ph.

I use white wine vinegar as a ph down..because it is cheap and available..

Maybe I should of used more water wen feeding but a tiny sprout in a big 10
litre pot dont need much, do they

Yes..they Do..

when you should give the whole pot a Good watering the next day to flush the un-used ferts out of the pot..or you are in danger of burning them.

Also, why is the other plant seemingly uneffected?

Some girls just have slightly different Needs...just like in Life...
.you learn to Read them individually...:thumbs:
Nice one wiz. Think I'll use rain water phed if needed to 6.5 .Is that the pH I'm lookin for. 6.5?Also hoping that the organic feeds I have will pH for me.We'll see. Messed these up nicely then. Yield is gonna be crap now.
The ph your looking for is 6.3 to 6.8 for soil. Those are the best ranges. I didn't realize u had collected rain water. There ya go my man...
Have ordered a pH pen so wont be makeing thos mistakes again. I ended up mixing a weak grow and bloom feed for the 2 affected plants and when tested it was bang on 6.5. Wish I jus gave them a weak feed early on instead of jus plain water @ 8.5 for so long. The ppms were 580 going in and then 1800 coming out. This soil is 6 weeks old! So either its loaded at the start or jus gos to show how little I have been watering them. But at no stage have they showed, or even been close to being underwatered. When they were young I never drenched the pots as they looked so small in 10 litre pots and wouldnt be able to take good drenchings. Never really got close to the 10% run off mark. Alittle dribble out the bottom and thats it. So any other noobs to autos out there, dont be scared to give them a good drenching to get a good run off. Not used to having a tiny sprout in a big pot. Any ideas what they will do now. Will they jus carry on but with a less yield. Will they now take 2 weeks longer as they have been in stasis for a good 2 weeks. Or will they tell me... 'Your having a laugh mate,abuse us like that and expect us to sort u out! Do one!'They have hardly changed at all since this all started. Alittle bigger maybe, thats all. Still look quite healthy tho. Well, very healthy apart from thos brown leaves. Anyway thanks everyone for the help, reds...:peace: