New grower

How much of your chocolate do you need to eat per day

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If my back is not bothering me 1/2 piece or 1:50th of the bar = ~20 mg active ingredients at night 1 or 2 hours before bed time. If I am having a bad day I may take 1/2 piece twice a day. If I really hurt myself doing something stupid I will vape a couple of hits of my homemade E-Juice and take 1/2 piece right away. Really it just depends on how much pain I am having.
Just recieved my seeds and got two free.
One is a double glock by ripper seeds and the other is ginger punch auto.
Just planted them in root riot cubes.
Ill keep you all posted.

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Ive got 3 x 35w cfls 6500k(blue) for the growing phase and ill get 3 x 45w cfls 2700k(red) for flowering(also keep 1 6500k running too).
My question is how long to leave lights on/off during growing and flowering.

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Hi im just trying to get my other half to accept my growing and taking of medical marijuana and she asked what high is associated with cdb because in my younger days i was quite a bad pot head, bur that was all thc i think. ( it was a good 20 years ago ).
So what i want to know is, is the high similar to a thc high or is it nothing like that.

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Hi im just trying to get my other half to accept my growing and taking of medical marijuana and she asked what high is associated with cdb because in my younger days i was quite a bad pot head, bur that was all thc i think. ( it was a good 20 years ago ).
So what i want to know is, is the high similar to a thc high or is it nothing like that.

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It's all about thc to cbd percentages and dosing and method of intake my brother....all cbd and no thc....i don't feel the high....everyone is to find out what's right for you, just like how pharmaceuticals affect everyone different.
My ak47/supercbd seed has sprouted after only 3 days in a root riot cube.
Its poking out top and bottom of the cube in my heated prop.
Shall i repot now into the final container, its john innes mixed with vermiculite. (Good enough)

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5 days old. [emoji3][emoji3]

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This is my ak47 supercbd now after 2.5 weeks in flower.
The second photo is the same plant after my other half cut the big fan leaves off thinking she was helping.
Does it matter or not?