Indoor Nightowl Cosmic Apprentice Organic Grow


Cultivators Club
Feb 23, 2020
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Hey all. I last harvested in June and had a pretty nice yield, so I’ve been dormant on the grow side of things. I still have plenty of herb, but I figure a grow will help me get through the winter blues!

I’m expecting my work to be pretty busy the next few months, so I’m planning on a lower-maintenance, minimalist grow that can handle me being away from home a couple days each week.

I’m planning this as a single plant grow in a 5 gallon container in a 2x2x5 tent. Sprouting with an HLG65 4000k and will switch up to an HLG3000k after a month or so.

I’m using Buildasoil LOS 3.0 as my medium. I have their Craft Blend, Build-a-Flower, and Build-a-Bloom for the occasional top dress. I also have Rootwise Mycrobe Complete and Bio-Phos for some biological boost.

I popped 2 Nightowl Cosmic Apprentices in Buildasoil Light Mix, which has served me well as a germination medium.

I will pick the best looking sprout and transplant somewhere between day 10-14.

Here is day 1 from sprout:

Here is today at Day 4:

I’m running 24/0 to keep temps and humidity in check. I bought a PAR meter last grow, which has been pretty nifty. I recommend picking one up, if it’s in your budget. I started the sprouts about a DLI of 10. They’ve started to get a little leggy, so I raised them up a bit so DLI’s sitting about 15 right now.

So far, so good. Wish me luck. Cheers all!:cheers:
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Day 8 from sprout. I transplanted the best looking Cosmic Appreny today into the 5 gallon. It was an early transplant for me, but the roots were really peaking out of the bottom of the solo cup.

Unfortunately, Was not as smooth of a transplant as hoped. I’m a bit of klutz so hopefully it won’t need too long to bounce back.

I do have a backup Cosmic Apprentice that I can sub-in if things don’t start growing fast.


Day 12 from sprout. Happy Holidays everyone!

The seedling in the 5 gallon is doing well and I’m seeing an increase in growth rate since I transplanted from the solo cup. Nothing but water and microbes and aloe powder for the first couple weeks. I’ll think about a top dress around day 28-ish.

you can see the clover starting to sprout. This is is my first time using a cover crop. This is only single use soil, so I assume it will only benefit as a mulch layer (which is what I’m hoping it will Do).

I’m Keeping my fingers crossed it won’t be too much of a nutrient competitor. I’ve read conflicting reviews on its benefits or detriments for a single use soil grow.

I went ahead and transplanted my 2nd Cosmic Apprentice into a 1gallon filled with BAS LOS 3.0. It was a backup, but my main plant is taking off, so I’ll probably gift it to a friend in a couple weeks as long as the 5 gallon looks like it will fill the 2x2.

I’m still on 24/0. slowly lowering the HLG65. DLI is at 20 right now and will get slowly increased.
Although during veg I seem to have better luck and a bigger plant by keeping the light a little higher than is usually recommended in grow guides. My first couple grows were short bushes until I startes rai

Temps are 74-80. Humidity has been tricky. I have my AC Infinity A4exhaust fan on the lowest setting, but humidity is low in the house. Even with a humidifier outside the tent and a damp towel hanging inside I’m hovering 55-60% humidity. If I turn the exhaust off it shoots to 85% which feels a bit moist to me. Finding a happy medium has been tough with the super low humidity in the house, but I think as long as I’m above 50 right now it won’t be too bad.

Also, with the plant starting to bulk and clover coming in, I hoping it should get easier to keep RH where I want it.



Day 15 from sprout. I started LST this morning. No issues so far. I would prefer to up the humidity, but I have a humidifier running outside of tent and have a damp towel hanging in the tent. It’s about as good as I can do in my current space with the current dry weather. So it’s been bouncing between 40-60RH.



Looking good. Nice seeing other growers with the same style of growing. I’ll be watching this one. Happy growing!
Nice! I’ve had pretty good results so far. I wish I has a bigger space to have a proper bed, but this method has worked well in smaller containers. Just the occasional top dress and microbes has treated me well in 3 and 5 gallon containers.
Day 18. Responding nicely to more LST. I watered in some Buildasoil Mycrobe Complete along with a sprinkle of the kashi blend which is already showing a fungal growth amongst the clover. You fan see it a bit in the 3rd pic. :smoking:

I’ll probably do a proper top dress in the next week.



Day 22. I’m getting a but worried as usually things start really taking off at this point. Absolutely no stretch at all. I’ve had growth over the last few days, but not explosive. I did notice the bottom of the pot was moist a couple days after watering, so I replaced the saucer it was in so the bottom could more easily dry out. I’m hoping I didn’t leave the roots waterlogged. :shrug:

Day 28. Now I’m finally seeing some stretch and veg growth after a week of slo-mo development. And I’ve got this backup in a 1-gallon I never intended to keep, but she’s grown so well, I’m going to ride it out with both plants.

