No-Till and Autoflowers

Aug 30, 2021
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Hey all, this is my first post, obviously, and I am running up on a questions that I am not patient enough to wait for the answer via other methods. Plus I also like to hear others thoughts as well.

I am about 30 days into my first "Build-a-Soil" take and bake no till grow in a 4x2 raised bed. so far this is easily the most beautiful and largest autos (420FB and Meph) I have grown to date. This is my 4th run as a cultivator so I am still really new.

Build a Soil youtube channel was my inspiration for this grow and they have started season 2. They will being their second run in their no-till and they just finished their re-amend for this run. Their first run the grew 4 photoperiod plants in that bed. They sent their soil for testing and received their results and amended based upon hard data. awesome! they know exactly what they need.

I on the other hand, knowing myself, will not take a soil sample and send it off and be patient enough to get the results before planting my next run. I have emailed BAS and asked their thoughts about this and am awaiting a response....

Finally to the question! Do you believe/know that autoflowers, on roughly the same grow schedule at photo periods, will use More/same/less of the nutrients in the soil than a photo period run?

I ask because I will want to gather my reamend ingredients that they suggest over the next few weeks to be as prepared to reamend as soon as possible.

hope this makes sense.
I feel like you can add little amendments at the end like some nitrogen stuff like kelp etc as long as you don't cause a nutrient lockout you should be able to add extra stuff in there the plant will take only what it needs

left to right (Meph Pink Panama, Meph Strawberry Nuggets x Skywalker, FB Stardog, FB Purple Lemonade)
@Butadol :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:Autos use about 60% of the nutrients compared to Photos. You have a lot of plants in that bed so I would just refurbish based on the Build-a-soil schedule.

This is a soil enhancer I like for refurbishing.

I've got a question on daz's mix. I've seen similar mixes this is close to subcools old recipe but better. Anyways with the dolomite lime having lots of magnesium why add the epson salts also? For the sulfur it offers. I understand dolomite raises/stableizes ph but it seems the calcium to mag ratio would be way off. Hoping you can shed some light on this. Also you could use calcitic limestone which only has trace amounts of mag.
I've got a question on daz's mix. I've seen similar mixes this is close to subcools old recipe but better. Anyways with the dolomite lime having lots of magnesium why add the epson salts also? For the sulfur it offers. I understand dolomite raises/stableizes ph but it seems the calcium to mag ratio would be way off. Hoping you can shed some light on this. Also you could use calcitic limestone which only has trace amounts of mag.
LOL! I'm never adding dolomite to a damn thing after using EarthBox recommendation.
Can you elaborate what the EarthBox recommendation is? I plan to grow in some EarthBoxes come spring.
Also depends on the size of the photo if is the same size as the auto it will use the same amount of fertilizer. With an auto you can top her to slow down flowering and get more top colas. But with photos you have to flip the light or wait till 12/12 outside. So autos start flowering around a month. But you could veg a photo for months that would use more nutrients then a smaller plant. You can dry your leaves and crumble then back in there the stems branches etc also it's harder for a plant to get bigger then it's roots the bigger the container generally the wider plant.
Can you elaborate what the EarthBox recommendation is? I plan to grow in some EarthBoxes come spring.

Real easy! Don't do anything EarthBox says!:biggrin:
Just follow what Jeremy is doing in the series.:thumbsup: Especially how he let's the rez go dry for a period of time. I feel that is VERY key!
For you, the only thing you should change is to hot glue some window screen on top of the black screen insert. This will help keep the rez cleaner and more that part of the environment simple.

It's been working so far!:eyebrows: