Noob outdoor soil question

Jun 16, 2021
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I am a completely "green" noob grower and not sure what soil to get.
I have 5 Jack Herer Autoflower seeds coming this Saturday and I want to get busy.
I'm all set except for soil and fertilizer.

I will be growing outside in the HOT SE climate (GA,SC area) where the temps will reach mid 90s in a few weeks and last through September.
Humidity usually around 50-60%, strong direct sunlight with occasional afternoon storm showers.
I have a breezy well aired location prepared for my (5) 3gal plastic pots.
Water is supplied by a well, untreated other than filtered.

I originally bought MG products but have wised up and returned them all.
Can I go to a big box home improvement store and get their organic soil, perlite and worm castings?
If so can I mix them all together? What ratio do you suggest?
Thanks in advance
I am a completely "green" noob grower and not sure what soil to get.
I have 5 Jack Herer Autoflower seeds coming this Saturday and I want to get busy.
I'm all set except for soil and fertilizer.

I will be growing outside in the HOT SE climate (GA,SC area) where the temps will reach mid 90s in a few weeks and last through September.
Humidity usually around 50-60%, strong direct sunlight with occasional afternoon storm showers.
I have a breezy well aired location prepared for my (5) 3gal plastic pots.
Water is supplied by a well, untreated other than filtered.

I originally bought MG products but have wised up and returned them all.
Can I go to a big box home improvement store and get their organic soil, perlite and worm castings?
If so can I mix them all together? What ratio do you suggest?
Thanks in advance

heya @SteveFury and :welcome: to afn! :toke: the best bet is to jus make up ur own soil to begin'z not hard & u don't hafta go to extremez the first time around ;) jus get a good organic potting mix, and if possible, some cow manure compost soil...then add in some worm castingz & amendmentz, like bone meal, blood meal, langbeinite, epsom salt...and of course -> perlite, lotz of it, lol :rolleyes2: then start collectin some o' that afternoon rain in bucketz, and voila, ur halfway there already :thumbsup: oh, and def add some straw (hay) on top of the soil...a def must for growin outside, as it servez to keep the soil cooler, and thus, moist, so u avoid uneven drying of the soil & don't hafta water as much each time...u'll still hafta water each day in the heat, but it won't require as much ;) ppp

edit: also, get a good ol' $10 moisture meter from home depot or invaluable tool, fer sur :thumbsup:
Know those conditions well (Fl). Lots of variables, how good is location, do you anticipate having to move pots, how often do you plan on visiting site and can you suppliment with liquid or spiked nutes.....20+ years ago we just grabbed a good compost (Black Kow is a good one) cut the bottoms out of the pots, dug and mixed in foot deep in spots, put a couple jobes spikes in, snugged the pots onto the spots and filled em up...lil mini raised beds.....roots would go down a good ways into the ground thus no root bound pots to worry about. If you gonna have to move pots it doesn't work. always remember it's your grow do it how you want it.