nutrient burn or a deficiency?

May 20, 2020
Reaction score
-Problem: brown leaf tips,growth slow
-Medium/grow method: atami light mix soil
-Feed and supplements used: canna organic nutrients,atami micro,atami blossom builder,during veg,last feed ppm was 550,,no veg nutrients during flower
-Water source: tap water,ppm reading of 160ppm
-Strain and age northern lights auto,gelato auto
day and night time temp between 20 and 25 degrees,humidity between 60 and 75
- Light used: spider farmer sf1000 18 hours light,6 dark....
-Additional info:
hey guys,could anyone help with this problem im having with these 2 plants,both look like different problems,i have been using a lightmix soil,5 gallon pots,and feeding them canna nutrients at a low level,the strains are northern lights and gelato autos,they have been growing great and just a few weeks into flower the leaf tips looked burned and browning along the edges of the leaves,its looking worse on the main fan leaves on the top of the plant,it has just started about a week ago,i have been using organic flower nutrients with atami blossom builder,the ppm levels on the last feed was 550ppm to a gallon of water,ph at 6.5,could someone tell me if they look over fed or its a deficiency?,thanks in advance


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Hello @marv77 :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome:When ever you reach "Tip Burn" you have reached the maximum strength nutrients the plant can use. You should back-off by 10%. This statement assumes you are fertilizing with "In-Balance" nutrients. Read this and then decide if your feed has been in balance. Mixing vendors can be problematic.

Thanks man o green,i just had a look there at the in balance chart,i have been feeding with smaller amounts of nutrients,canna grow,canna flower and calmag,i seem to be having the same problem with the last few grows,everything is going great ontil mabye 3 weeks into flower and i see the same signs,brown leaf edges,starting on the top of the plant,so i am not sure if i am underfeeding or over feeding?,ive looked at a few feeding charts and have been following one,some say the ppms should be higher than 550ppm during flower and some say its too high?,would you recomend i flush the plants with ph adjusted water?,thanks again for any help
Over fertilized i believe. She looks quite dark green. I believe she is getting fed too much nutrients and uptaking too much nitrogen. Dial back the nutes.

Burned tips usually indicate over feeding, light burn (too close to ur light), or wind burn (too close to ur fan)
Thanks man o green,i just had a look there at the in balance chart,i have been feeding with smaller amounts of nutrients,canna grow,canna flower and calmag,i seem to be having the same problem with the last few grows,everything is going great ontil mabye 3 weeks into flower and i see the same signs,brown leaf edges,starting on the top of the plant,so i am not sure if i am underfeeding or over feeding?,ive looked at a few feeding charts and have been following one,some say the ppms should be higher than 550ppm during flower and some say its too high?,would you recomend i flush the plants with ph adjusted water?,thanks again for any help
Hi Man,

I just wanted to ask you a question as I am using the same light and it is my first time using it. What distance and power do you keep your SF1000 at this stage? Thank you!
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Hi Man,

I wast wanted to ask you a question as I am using the same light and it is my first time using it. What distance and power do you keep your SF1000 at this stage? Thank you!
Hello i run my sf1000 at full power at 24inch all through grow i have a my hydro meter on the end of a piece of line at 24inch attached to the light as that is where you should be taken temp/rh reading's as the girl grow's i move it up it give's about 40 hour's DLI at 24inch at the top of my plant's
hope this helps
one of these fine lady's where grown under sf1000's and the other under sf2000 all at 24inch from light start to finish
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Hello i run my sf1000 at full power at 24inch all through grow i have a my hydro meter on the end of a piece of line at 24inch attached to the light as that is where you should be taken temp/rh reading's as the girl grow's i move it up it give's about 40 hour's DLI at 24inch at the top of my plant's
hope this helps
one of these fine lady's where grown under sf1000's and the other under sf2000 all at 24inch from light start to finish
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Wow, some monster plants! The pots look small too, what pots are those 2 gals? Well done!
Thanks for the reply it is really helpful.

I will try to raise my lights a bit.
I have kept them also 24 inches from the plants top, but I have used 60% power for the first 3/4 weeks. I was afraid this light was too intense because I have a very small tent (40 cm x 40cm which is like 1.3 ft x 1.3ft).

I bumbed up the light to 70-75% at week 5, I am now during week 6. However I cannot raise the lights further (my tent is 160 cm height), the light came with those adjustable strings and hooks and the metal string to connect to the light. However that metal string to connect the light to the hooks steal a lot of space (I think 6 inches), if you have noticed. I am thinking to replace it with maybe some plastic bands, multiple per side, to make sure it holds. So I can raise the light at the hooks level and that gives me an extra 6-8 inches. But I am very afraid it will not hold, not sure if to try and raise it or leave it as it is and just lower power if I see stress....

At the moment, my plant top are like 52 cm, which I guess is like 20 inches, from the lights at 70-75%. They don t seem light stressed but would like to go back to 24 inches and bump it up to at least 80%. The guidance distance are quite misleading, not mentioning power, they say up to 12 inches during flower. But I think they mite really get stressed at 12 inches full power.

Thanks doe, I found you and another couple of guys online using it, seems like 24 inches is the distance most are trying to keep.
Wow, some monster plants! The pots look small too, what pots are those 2 gals? Well done!
Thanks for the reply it is really helpful.

I will try to raise my lights a bit.
I have kept them also 24 inches from the plants top, but I have used 60% power for the first 3/4 weeks. I was afraid this light was too intense because I have a very small tent (40 cm x 40cm which is like 1.3 ft x 1.3ft).

I bumbed up the light to 70-75% at week 5, I am now during week 6. However I cannot raise the lights further (my tent is 160 cm height), the light came with those adjustable strings and hooks and the metal string to connect to the light. However that metal string to connect the light to the hooks steal a lot of space (I think 6 inches), if you have noticed. I am thinking to replace it with maybe some plastic bands, multiple per side, to make sure it holds. So I can raise the light at the hooks level and that gives me an extra 6-8 inches. But I am very afraid it will not hold, not sure if to try and raise it or leave it as it is and just lower power if I see stress....

At the moment, my plant top are like 52 cm, which I guess is like 20 inches, from the lights at 70-75%. They don t seem light stressed but would like to go back to 24 inches and bump it up to at least 80%. The guidance distance are quite misleading, not mentioning power, they say up to 12 inches during flower. But I think they mite really get stressed at 12 inches full power.

Thanks doe, I found you and another couple of guys online using it, seems like 24 inches is the distance most are trying to keep.
Those girls where in 3 gallon pots i dont go by what they say what is the correct height i use a light meter get my DLI inbetween 35h veg& Bloom 45h give or take a hour on 18/6 light schedule also i have taken the wire of that the yoyo clips to gives a few more inches to play with i know its not much but all helps
Hi Man,

I just wanted to ask you a question as I am using the same light and it is my first time using it. What distance and power do you keep your SF1000 at this stage? Thank you!
the height is around the same as what del boy mentioned,20 to 25 inches at full power,seedling i would put a little out from the center of the light and move them in as they get older
figured out my problem was my ph meter was not calibrated so everything was off,flushed them out and fed them with a propper reading,looking much better now,,i guess you dont go cheap on the most important tool in the box,.....lesson learned