Plants can ‘tell’ themselves they are thirsty

More sensors? Yes please! :crying: I do have a stethoscope around the house, I wonder if I can hear the clicking :doc3:
LOL,,,, if you are one of the growers who prefer a more hands-off automatic grow, something like this could be revolutionary. But I find routine hefting/weighing the plant and pot works fine for me.
I don't know if you are being facecious or not, but I am with Jerseyphresh1 on this. I have a ph meter that I finally learned to trust and that is the end of it for me, anymore would be too much.
Not facetious at all, and I agree, it isnt for me, but there are those who want hands off and some kind of auto watering system that knows exactly how much and when to water would make them orgasm on the spot! LOL
Right, when you said, "More sensors? Yes please!" you were joking.
I think farming is science and art, and some people are born with a talent for growing, those with a green thumb. I hope I have learned enough to overcome my lacking a green thumb, and some science to know why.