Power shutdown

Feb 24, 2021
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Hi everyone,

There's a power shutdown programmed tomorrow around the 12th hour of light (18/6 cycle) for ~2h.
I'm wondering what would be the best thing to do with autos ? Would you just keep the same cycle ? Lights off until the next one ? Start a new one ?

Thanks !
Hi everyone,

There's a power shutdown programmed tomorrow around the 12th hour of light (18/6 cycle) for ~2h.
I'm wondering what would be the best thing to do with autos ? Would you just keep the same cycle ? Lights off until the next one ? Start a new one ?

Thanks !
Urgh .. I hate those!! Why are they so frikken inconsiderate to us growers!! ^_^

I'd give it the six hours of light it would have had (you never know, they sometimes finsih early so maybe longer light), and then carry on as normal! At least it's an autoflower, so shouldnt affect it too much!!

Hi everyone,

There's a power shutdown programmed tomorrow around the 12th hour of light (18/6 cycle) for ~2h.
I'm wondering what would be the best thing to do with autos ? Would you just keep the same cycle ? Lights off until the next one ? Start a new one ?

Thanks !
We'll you kinda know what actual times it comes on/goes off. As autos arn't really affected much by light I'd just pop into grow area and advance timer to off at normal off time.
Time off doesnt matter at all u just lost 2 hours in ur grow so u now have to let it 2 hours longer at the end. Same w photo plants
So, I'm a bit confused ^^ I know light doesn't matter for auto's flowering but it seems they still have some sort of schedule (like they droop at the end of their day and perk back up after night) there's enough of my beginner's skill to stress them I don't want to add to that lol

If I understand correctly it'll be more an issue of getting back the 2h so that the plants don't loose on their "daily growth" ?

Alternatively I might be able to put them in a room with a small window if that's better ?

Thanks for the help
We have power outages here that we never know when they will happen. I run a digital timer with battery backup for my lights if
the power goes out it goes out. I don't change my light schedule on the timer and don't see a difference in the finished outcome.
More or less I think of it as a rest break to the plants. Running autos most of us with our light schedules are providing more
DLI (Daily Light Integral) then the plants needs on a daily basis as they start to droop before lights off.
Oooh so that's why they droop. Ok so nothing to worry about then, thanks everyone !
As I said, just dial your timer so they stay on same time scedule. The 2 or 3 hrs of lost light won't make any difference.
No way will 2 hours with no powerful light affect "the finished outcome." 2 hours is essentially nothing to a plant, like if there were a storm if growing outside. Any diurnal/daily cycling in the plant you may see are likely just that, pre-programmed/genetics-driven, are not going to change just because there is more or less light for a few hours.