Mephisto Genetics Removing Fan Leaves

I agree Hillbilly. All my autos get Marine Corp hairdos regularly whenever they need it. If the leaf has a stalk over 1/2 inch it goes. I find they grow much denser buds that stack better and bulk up way better than the ones that I have not pruned. Been doing it this way for several years now. Check out some of @Autobeast’s posts. He opened my eyes to a lot of the autoflower myths out there. I’ve also got 2 Double Grapes going right now topped, lst’d, and pruned. They didn’t skip a beat. Almost like they were saying Bring it On. Good luck with your grow
Similar to what is done with photoperiod plants where all fans are removed around day 42-50 into flower to allow for better light penetration, is anyone using this technique on Mephisto autoflowers?

If so can you please provide your experience?

Yes its called lollipopping and you can do it to photosensitive and autos. You can take it a step further and schwazz too which is everything below the canopy basically 3 or 4th node from the top of the branches down. You'll see it a lot on here.

I personally only lollipop to the lowest budsites forming. After about 2 weeks in flower. I also do a minor defoliation before the switch on photos. Im growing my first auto right now and lollipopped to the lowest budsites and its taken it well. We'll see how it produces in about a month..
Autoflowers don't like stress and can be finicky to nail. I want to make sure that someone has done this to a Mephisto plant before taking the risk.
Who told u autoflower don't like stress lol.
Don't stress out on stressing an autoflower
Its been proven to increase yeilds.
There's always that feeling of doubt & regret after doing stress training and defoliation but its only a temporary feeling,
Get them plucked mate
Yes its called lollipopping and you can do it to photosensitive and autos. You can take it a step further and schwazz too which is everything below the canopy basically 3 or 4th node from the top of the branches down. You'll see it a lot on here.

I personally only lollipop to the lowest budsites forming. After about 2 weeks in flower. I also do a minor defoliation before the switch on photos. Im growing my first auto right now and lollipopped to the lowest budsites and its taken it well. We'll see how it produces in about a month..
I forgot to add schwazzing is done twice. On the flip to flower and 3 weeks in. Its suppose to make your plants, photo or auto, focus all energy into the stretch and bud production instead of worrying about producing more leaves and maintaining fan leaves
I defoliate all my Mephisto girls right before flower, but I try not to take too many at once! However, that's not always practical. I also leaf tuck and ponytail to let the light get to the lower branch sites at about 2 weeks. I may be misusing the word ponytail. but to me it means taking a very thin piece of wire, (bread tie size), and wrapping up a folded leaf with the wire. I feel like it's a lot less stressful instead of plucking them when they are that young! :pass:
Autoflowers don't like stress and can be finicky to nail. I want to make sure that someone has done this to a Mephisto plant before taking the risk.
Thats not 100% true neither photos or autos dont like heavy defoliation late in flower, but if you spread it out and do the bulk before the switch its easier to recover. On autos its down to timing. Id say its safe about week 3 or 4, right after sex is shown and stretching begins, and again at week 6. As buds really start to form at nodes and tops. Too much of anything will stress a plant out, but autos are much more stable than they used to be. Very vigorous and take to defoliation well now.
I agree Hillbilly. All my autos get Marine Corp hairdos regularly whenever they need it. If the leaf has a stalk over 1/2 inch it goes. I find they grow much denser buds that stack better and bulk up way better than the ones that I have not pruned. Been doing it this way for several years now. Check out some of @Autobeast’s posts. He opened my eyes to a lot of the autoflower myths out there. I’ve also got 2 Double Grapes going right now topped, lst’d, and pruned. They didn’t skip a beat. Almost like they were saying Bring it On. Good luck with your grow

I agree. All my plants get transplanted, scrog, and defoliated. Depending on strain and how they are growing, topped and/or super cropped. I try very hard to make sure everything that produces flowers, produces good flowers.
Most of the stunting of an auto will happen during veg. The roots need to develop before the plant energizes for flower. When I first started autos I was very hesitant. Only taking inner fans to open the center up. Then I read autobeast’s thread and slowly started to apply techniques he used. It increased my yields and overall plant health. Haven’t grown Mephisto but have grown a lot of big and private breeders. Trying schwazzing on my photoperiod this run. We shall see how it turns out. I know schwazzing near the end of flower helps flowers to tighten up and get dense. Never tried at start of flower. Just a little defol when it gets dark in the interior of the plant.
Creme de la Chem, before and after light defoil.


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