Seedling stretch

Jul 7, 2017
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Started some seeds in cups and left them in the cupboard and they've proper stretched. Will they be ok now they under LED? Should've left them in the window sill under the sun.
You might want to support the stem with a small thin cane, but they will be fine. Don't fret pet.......eP.
Hey - thehazzle. How long until you repot these? I developed algae-roots on one that I potted in a clear container. It went away immediately after I put foil over the clear container. It's not an issue if you plan to repot or pot-in-pot before the roots grow along the sides of the cups.

Those stems look long, but not what I'd call spindly at all. They're actually kinda a bit beefy imo. Will they be in a breeze and/or under strong lighting soon?
Hey - thehazzle. How long until you repot these? I developed algae-roots on one that I potted in a clear container. It went away immediately after I put foil over the clear container. It's not an issue if you plan to repot or pot-in-pot before the roots grow along the sides of the cups.

Those stems look long, but not what I'd call spindly at all. They're actually kinda a bit beefy imo. Will they be in a breeze and/or under strong lighting soon?

Will be my second grow so open to ideas? Shall I repot now then?

Was thinking to 3L and then final 10 or shall I go straight to 10. They are photos

Currently have a mini fan blowing on it. Its currently under 6500k 50w LED. Will be going under 130w actual draw multi spectrum when I get a eu to uk converter plug.