Seed Stockers Seedstockers no longer shipping to Germany?

@Clem Fandango - From a ways back in the LSchat - expand the quote and check out the attachments.

Bad News hit the staff room yesterday..............Another European seed bank in Trouble... :pass:

View attachment 1342174
View attachment 1342175

Not good reading...:karmacloud:...feels like a Shift in European Cannabis Policy....:pass:...but no Whispers are coming out in the Press.
If anyone Hears any additional info..Link us in please....
Oh and this one from just a few days ago. Looks like German customs is "checking" the mail harder than usual.

The original story I tried to find had police intercepting seeds and visiting the addresses they were going to. Perhaps not getting any right now is a hidden blessing.
You may be right. I am a bit surprised by this. The sheer manpower needed to intercept individual unmarked envelopes from Spain and the Netherlands would be staggering.
Are Spanish authorities also watching seedstockers? Could be doing there what they did too dinafem? I got a feeling it though that if Germany are doing other EU nations will likely follow suit. Shipping to the UK will also likely become problematic due to the end of freely moving goods. This is shit. Hope no one gets busted