SSSC SSSC - Sweet Bourbon Kush Auto : Solo Cup


Non smoker
Cultivators Club
Sep 7, 2020
Reaction score

Germination Day 1: Started with a shotglass of plain ol' tap water. 3PM 12/27

Been a couple days in the Jiffy Pellet now. I know I need to just be patient. Got my germination box offset on the router keeping things warm. There is a cover that goes over it. Looks nice and steamy in there most of the time. Syringe of water to top up and keep it wet.

I mix my tap water, 212ppm 7.8pH, with General Hydroponics BioRoot. I add the BR drop at a time until it hits 300ppm and it nicely balances out at 6.0 pH. Soak the pellet and then draw up as much as the syringe will hold. Keep it wet but not soaked. Once its puffed up just add a little of the water mix to the bottom of the tray.

Germination schedule so far:
Day 1: 12/27 into shotglass 3pm
Day 2: 12/28 into pellet 10pm (31hr soak)
Day 3: 12/29 waiting
Day 4: 12/30 waiting

Seed one DOA on day 7 - I waited 7 days just in case it was a hard shell but no luck. Went digging just to see.
Restarting tonight.

Small crack of hope....

I split the shell and if there was a tail was going to really kick myself.


Hmmm.... green stuff..... ok too wet then.


Two more in a shotglass as we speak....
Germination Day 3: 1/5/22 - Gave them a bit longer soak this time. Went to just about 48 hours AND WE HAVE TAILS! Looks like these two are live and have just jumped into their pellets. Hopefully have full on sprouts in a day or two.

Day 1: 1/6 just emerged. I peel the netting off the jiffy pellets before transplant. This one got placed into a solo cup of Cyco Pearl coco coir. I run about 1L through before transplant:

250ppm calmag and 50ppm grow formula at 5.8pH.
I break it up into 4 waterings and watch the ppm of the runoff until I'm happy with it. I know it comes prebuffered but tends to be quite high strength whatever they use. I have found for a solo cups worth that 1L brings the runoff ppm to about 300 which seems fine for seedlings.
300ppm 5.8pH
300ml in - 76 out @527ppm 6.2pH
300ml in - 291 out @ 432ppm 6.3pH
300 ml in - 290 out @327ppm 6.4pH

Transplant the pellet and use the last 100ml to seat it - got 120ml out at 310ppm and 6.4pH


Day 2: 1/7 - Popped it's shell off perfectly! Nothing added, just sitting under a humidity dome and a low watt CFL grow bulb. I did not dig a wide enough hole and the pellet is sitting a little proud of the surface but I didn't want to handle it any more than necessary. Once the netting is off it tends to crumble easily.

Day 5: A little spindly but that's ok. I find it makes watering easier later on. Dome off at this point. Nothing added yet. Probably 2 more days before the coco starts to dry enough to begin watering.

Don't mind the crooked. 2 solo cups stacked in case I need to make different arrangements later. Bothing sitting in the top of a cut down OJ bottle. Makes collecting and testing runoff easy.


