Photoperiod Subtropical winter outdoor guerilla grow with Connoisseur Genetics: crosses of Neville's Haze, Thai, SSSDHaze, Mullumbimby, Kariba

Spring-Summer Grow Begins -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 41

Haven't visited for a while.
Weather has been typical for this time of year -- rainy, wet, foggy, misty, not much sun, but the temps are warmer at around 25C-30C during the day, and over 20C at least overnight.

Guerilla growing is a pretty cool thing, even if I must say so myself!
Guerilla growing in an abandoned set of apartment buildings, makes it even cooler.
Guerilla growing at a site where you have to walk through a large abandoned garage that has become a giant bat-cave, well, things don't get much more awesome than this!!!
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But note to self: bats start waking up around dusk.
So there's a few dozen of them flying above and around me today as I went in.

Then, just to hype up the adrenaline, when I get out of the cave, there's a pack of wild /stray dogs there!!
Woof! Woof!
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I freak out a bit more, and yell at them (woof back at them!) -- until they get the idea and leave.
Another guerilla garden I had about 30 km from here a few years ago also had wild dogs, but they were super aggressive and would run at you in packs, whereas these ones are more chill -- luckily!

Eesh! Blood pumping now, for sure.

Anyway, I get to the garden.
My biggest concern for this grow is:
Will they really just go into flower and flower out properly, given it's spring going into summer?
Or will they freak out a bit, and veg like crazy, giving me giant plants in medium-small pots?
Daylight hours right now are about 13/11, increase slowing down, with max of about 13.5/10.5 in late June.

Well, to answer that question, here they are:

Top left is the two re-vegging SSSTN.
Bottom left is the three Grail x ThaiFricans + the little L'n'L Jones.
Right is the re-vegging Grail (NHz x MM) + the larger L'n'L Jones.

The bigger L'n'L Jones is looking nice.
Clearly into flower, at least a week I'd say -- so maybe showing sex a bit after a month / day 30 at a guess.

She's about 35 cm tall, which isn't very tall, but she has only just started flower, so the stretch is really yet to come.

Next to her sharing the pot is the re-vegging NHz x MM (NLD pheno)

She throwing a few 3-leaflet leaves, so looks like thinking a bit about vegging.
But that usual messy re-veg shape to her, haha!!

In the other pot are the three Grail x ThaiFricans and the one little L'n'L Jones:
The tall one is obviously a male, and been flowering for maybe 10-14 days I'd guess.
Looks like like the ThaiFrican father to me, similar height and shape.
One pollen cluster was opened, but the "powder was dry" shall we say?
I removed about half of his larger pollen clusters, I don't want to cull him yet, and hard crushed and bent his main stem. Slow him down a bit, and possibly collect some of this pollen later if I want to keep him. (No real need, but can't help myself!)

The two shorter Grail x ThaiFricans under him are both showing pistils, so two more ladies -- yah!
They are just showing pistils, not really flowering, so have the possibility of putting on some more height, for sure.

On the bottom right is the smaller L'n'L Jones -- not looking very happy, to be honest.
A bit stunted. She was kept in a small seedling pot for a little bit, but not long.
I think she probably just doesn't like the wet too much, as she's rather pale (medium diluted for her??)

Meanwhile, over at SSSTN land, these two girls looking fairly confused to be honest:
Bottom is the first very sticky badass girl, top is the fluffier rounded bud girl.

Another branch of the sticky girl:
As you can see, the leaf shape is neither full flower nor veg, and the node spacing is still super short.
I'm just going to let them do their thing, for fun.
Maybe they'll move more into veg as the days get longer.
The sticky badass girl is wonderful, and to have another chance at her would be too awesome.

Everyone is looking a bit hungry, but nothing too dire (except maybe that smaller L'n'L Jones).
Wanted to bring in some nutes, but today's situation didn't allow.
May have another chance soon, and will do my usual amendment mix:
Worm castings, organic 2-5-5 pellets, a bit or fine dolomite lime for Ca and Mg, and some kelp meal.
Plenty of rain at this time of year will help break it down and work it in.
Giving a higher PK feeding at the start of flower was what I did last round, and it seemed to work fine.
And then another one after maybe a month of flowering to last them to the end.
By June and July the rainfall drops somewhat, and we have more bright sunshine (and temps up to 35C-39C every day).

The aim is to have these girls finishing in that slightly drier period, and we seem kind of on track for now!

Peace and Love,

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Garden 2

Grail (fast pheno) x ThaiFrican regs


Grass in the grass...
Two (and a half) still standing -- both the tall ones.

Still haven't been able to safely plant them out to their in-ground forever homes....
Gave them a hard snap LST to keep them low and out of sight...
Spring-Summer Grow Begins -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 50

Haven't visited or pic updated Garden 1 for 9 days.
During that time it's been fairly warm to hot, 25C-30C.
Maybe rained once a week ago, but not much.
And last few days very low humidity (for here) around 50%!
I was thinking that they are going to be very dry, if not falling over.
And since they were hungry 9 days ago, they're not going to be very happy.

I therefore prepared not only my usual organic flowering amendments,
mostly 2-5-5 (IIRC) pellets, plus some kelp meal, a bit of fine dolomite lime, and another higher PK chicken fert powder,
but also 1 L bottle of mixed Peter's nutrients, two part hydro mix from a long time ago.
I mix the 1 L bottle about 5 x strength, and then drop that into 5-10 liters of the bucket on site topped up with water from the pool.
I dropped half the concentrated bottle, and left the other half hidden near the garden.
Gives them an instant feeding while they wait for the organics to kick in.
Rough and nasty, and not pure organic, but one does what one must in the guerilla garden.

Getting to the garden, they haven't wilted, but they are definitely hungry.
Some lower leaves already yellowed and dropped.
Pots are light, but they can handle it.
Now I have a better idea of how long they can go without watering in this kind of weather.
(Though it's only going to get hotter....)
Left pot: older L'n'L Jones female, re-vegging Grail NLD pheno female (from last grow).
Middle pot: younger L'n'L Jones female, two Grail x ThaiFrican females (male already removed in this pic)
Right pot: two re-vegging SSSTN (super sticky girl and fluffy girl, from last grow).

Left pot: older L'n'L Jones female, re-vegging Grail NLD pheno female (from last grow).

Older L'n'L Jones fem:
She's already taken some pollen from the Grail x ThaiFrican male that I left.
But you can see that she's got nice frost on her.
She's about to put out a big burst of calyxes now, you can see it building up.

Re-vegging Grail NLD pheno:
Definitely moving in the vegetative direction, as the tops are now all 3 leaflet.
The nodal length is still very very short though, she's a bit hesitant.
I took a cutting from her (see next post) for fun.

Middle pot: younger L'n'L Jones female, two Grail x ThaiFrican females (male already removed in this pic)

Little L'n'L Jones:
Slow start, but steady. Thought she would have died without any water, but she's okay!
Maybe she's just slow and will take her time to put on some size before flowering. Here's hoping!

Grail x ThaiFrican One:
Classic NLD sativa look about her.
A few pollinated calyxes, so there will be some Grail x ThaiFrican F2 seeds in the future.
She's only just starting the stretch, so here's hoping she'll put on some height.

Grail x ThaiFrican Two:
Shorter but slightly more NLD shape.
Also barely starting to flower, so should have some time to put on some size.

Right pot: two re-vegging SSSTN (super sticky girl and fluffy girl, from last grow).

I think this pic is from the first 'big miss' super sticky pheno.
I mean, that's not flowering, but it's not really vegging either!
Maybe the feeding will start her in the right direction (?)

And the fluffier 'little miss' pheno:
Looks almost identical, and equally indecisive about what she's doing!

More pics in the next post or two...

Peace and Love,

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Spring-Summer Grow Begins -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 57

Apart from some pretty heavy rain over a 36 hr period earlier in the week,
it's otherwise been quite sunny, with daily highs around 23C-28C or so, and the usual strong winds.

The last feeding was good for them, and while they're a bit greener they're still light green not dark.
I think the N levels are about right.
And the organic amendments will slowly work their way in over the next couple of weeks, too.
In addition to the watering from the pond,
I used up the other half of the non-organic mix I left on site last time.
It should be fairly light, maybe just a few hundred ppm.
But that will help with their overall health until the organics break down.

Remember, the big concern with this round was the light hours and flowering:
Will they just go into and keep flowering with 13/11, even though the days are getting longer?
Or will they veg over the summer to 13.5/10.5 and go into flower after a few months?
Or will they just be very confused and not know what to do??
It seems we've got a bit of everything here!

A couple of family shots:

Left pot: Older L'n'L Jones, revegging Grail (NLD pheno)
Middle pot: Younger L'n'L Jones, two Grail x ThaiFricans
Right pot: Two revegging SSSTN (sticky and fluffy)



Left pot: Older L'n'L Jones, revegging Grail (NLD pheno)


Older L'n'L Jones:


This girl is definitely hitting flowering hard.
She was (kind of accidentally) dusted by the Grail x ThaiFrican male.
But she's definitely putting out more rounds of flowers as well.
Trichomes on the calyxes and inner leaves.
Can definitely see the indica in the mix -- the sensitivity to light, flower formation, trichome dev.

Revegging Grail (NLD pheno):


She's now also putting out some five-leaflet leaves.
It seems for now she is definitely on "veg" mode, and not "flower mode."
Fine by me, as it will mean she can put on some size.
Node length still very short, though.
She has about 3 or 4 main heads at the moment, with a couple of smaller ones as well.

There's a good chance once her pot-mate L'n'L is finished, another month or more I'm guessing,
she will still be growing strongly and I can give her the whole pot to herself.

Middle pot: Younger L'n'L Jones, two Grail x ThaiFricans


All looking very happy together.

Younger L'n'L Jones:


She's already shown some pistils and flipped to three-leaflet leaves up top.
I figure she's either about to hit a sudden growth/stretch point soon, or just be kind of stunted like this until the end. Or maybe she's not entirely sure if she wants to flower.

First Grail x ThaiFrican


This Grail x ThaiFrican lady is more into flowering.
She's in stretch, and leaflets from five to three points already.
Some nice little side branches showing too.
She is definitely a sativa NLD pheno, so may just keep stretching for a long time.

Second Grail x ThaiFrican


Pretty similar to the first Grail x ThaiFrican.
Very NLD sativa, similar side branching at this point,
but just keeping a bit shorter and less signs of flowering, for now, though she is female.

I'm looking forward to seeing what this Grail x ThaiFrican cross will throw out.
Obviously something long and sativa, but there are a lot of things in the mix,
so it could lean NvHz, or Mullumbimby, or the Thai, or the Kariba --- some combination of them all.

Peace and Love,

Spring-Summer Grow Begins -- Maria among the Hazes!

Day 57

Right pot: Two revegging SSSTN (sticky and fluffy)


Still on the re-veg mode, but some signs they are thinking more about vegging than flowering right now.
It's a crazy mess in this pot, hahahahaaa!


See the three leaflet leaves there?
She's thinking more about veg, great!
Maybe she can grow nice and big over summer, and see what happens in the fall!


Also showing the three leaflet.
But not really sure if I want to keep fluffy, to be honest.
Those nanas in mid to late flowering weren't great.
The high is nice, buds a fair bit fluffier than sticky, though.
Leave her to do her thing for now,
but if they really get going and sticky is looking strong,
then fluffy may have to go.

Finally family pic from above:


Top: L'n'L Jones and revegging Grail
Left: two revegging SSSTN
Right: L'n'L Jones and two Grail x ThaiFrican

Peace and Love,
