Unified "Disease" Theory:


Regenerative Ag Student For Life
Jan 2, 2011
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False Information About Die-Off Symptoms & Herxheimer Reactions

all credits to the orginal author... trans copied for redundancy only. :smokeit:

False Information About Die-Off Symptoms & Herxheimer Reactions

© Copyright Bee Wilder
Table of Contents

Die-Off Symptoms & Herxheimer Reactions Are Fabricated Terms

The term "die-off symptoms" is commonly used to describe symptoms and reactions that occur when large numbers of candida/fungi, viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens [viruses, bacteria, etc. that cause disease] are killed off in the body, releasing a lot of toxins into the system at one time by antibiotics or antifungals, etc.
Such symptoms are described as "flu-like", the feeling that one gets when parasites, fungi, bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens are killed in the body and being cleaned out of the body. These "flu-like" symptoms are also cleansing (detoxing) reactions, caused by the body isolating and getting rid of toxins.
These symptoms include increased mucus secretions in all mucus membranes (nose, throat, sinuses, lungs, vagina, intestines, etc.) and muscle or joint aches and pains, headaches, brain fog, digestion disturbances and so on. It's like that "bad all over feeling" you had during a bout with the flu.
Such die-off symptoms are "Herxheimer reactions," also called Herx reactions. However, die-off symptoms and "Herxheimer reactions" "assume" that the Germ Theory of Disease is true, so the medical field had to fabricate (make up) such terms in order to make us believe antibiotics were actually killing off bacteria, however, that isn't at all true!
Why the Term "Herxheimer Reaction" was Fabricated

The term "Herxheimer reaction" was fabricated by Karl Herxheimer (1861-1942) and Adolf Jarisch (1850-1902), also known as the "Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction." The reason the term was created was in order to describe what occurs when large quantities of toxins are released into the body as viruses, bacteria, candida, etc. die-off when treated by antibiotics or antifungal drugs, antifungals, etc. that "supposedly" kills them off.
"They claim" antibiotics cause bugs to die, i.e. be killed off, which causes bugs to release large numbers of toxins faster than the body can remove the toxins by natural detoxification processes. They also say: "Such reactions includes fever, chills, headache, muscle pain, cold-like and flu-like symptoms with increased mucus, and an increase in skin rashes and eruptions." But note this! They also say "The intensity of the reaction reflects the intensity of inflammation present." NOTE: That statement is your biggest clue to the truth! Of course the medical field "had to dream up" something that explains such adverse reactions to antibiotics!
The Truth About Die-Off Symptoms & Herxheimer Reactions

The truth is that die-off symptoms and Herxheimer Reactions are not caused by bugs being killed off or dying. What is actually happening in the body is in the statement above, i.e. "The intensity of the reaction reflects the intensity of inflammation present." The fact IS that inflammation is a natural immune system reaction to the presence of toxins, and antibiotics and antifungal drugs are toxic/poisonous to the body! Therefore, any symptoms and reactions are caused by the body itself, which is evidence it is working trying hard to detoxify antibiotic toxins.
Such symptoms and reactions are "NOT caused" by killing off bugs at all. They are created by the body in response to toxins/poisons like it reacts to any kinds of toxins or poisons, therefore such reactions are because of being poisoned!
The body creates symptoms and reactions (inflammation) in response to all toxins/poisons, i.e. drugs, over-the-counter medicines, vaccines, mercury fillings in teeth, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals in foods, personal care and cleaning products, etc. In other words, the body works hard at minimizing the damage caused by toxins/poisons such as antibiotics and other drugs by creating inflammation and other immune responses in order to get rid of the poison. However, our governments allow big businesses (medical, drug, food, agricultural, etc.) to poison people legally by allowing toxins/poisons to be used!
How the Body Reacts to Poisons/Toxins

Poisons are defined as any substance that causes injury, illness or death of a living organism. Here's a list of the general symptoms of poisoning:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • diarrhoea (diarrhea)
  • stomach pain
  • drowsiness, dizziness or weakness
  • fever and chills (shivering)
  • loss of appetite
  • headache or irritability
  • difficulty swallowing
  • producing more saliva than normal
  • skin rash
  • double or blurred vision
  • seizures (fits)
  • coma (in severe cases).
Do you see the similarity between poisoning symptoms to "so-called" die-off or Herxheimer Reactions? It was difficult to find general poison reactions since many references are for specific kinds of poisons like mercury, arsenic, carbon monoxide, rat poison, food poisoning, etc. However you don't have to look far to find poisoning symptoms which are described as "side-effects" of all drugs! Are you starting to get the picture of what is actually happening?
The University of Mains Farm Safety Program lists reactions to mild, moderate or severe poisoning:
Mild Poisoning - Headache, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, restlessness, perspiration, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite, loss of weight, thirst, moodiness, soreness in joints, skin irritation, eye irritation.
Moderate Poisoning - Severe nausea, severe diarrhea, excessive saliva, stomach cramps, excessive perspiration, trembling, no muscle coordination and muscle twitches, extreme weakness, mental confusion, blurred vision, difficulty in breathing, cough, rapid pulse, flushed or yellow skin, weepy eyes.
Severe Poisonings - Fever, intense thirst, increased rate of breathing, uncontrollable muscle twitches, pinpoint pupils, convulsions, inability to breathe, unconsciousness.
The similarity between poisoning symptoms and reactions to die-off or Herxheimer symptoms and reactions is unmistakable!
The Body Heals & Detoxifies Itself by Creating Inflammation (Infection)

As stated by Henry Lindlahr in Nature Cure: "Inflammation and fevers are just as natural, orderly and lawful as anything else in Nature, that, after they have once started, they must not be checked or suppressed by poisonous drugs and surgical operations."
He goes on to say: "In former chapters I endeavored to prove and to elucidate [make more clear] the unity of acute diseases in regard to their causes and their purpose, the latter not being destructive, but constructive and beneficial. I demonstrated that the microorganisms of disease are not the . . . nuisance and evil which they are commonly regarded, but that, like everything else in Nature, they, too, serve a useful purpose. I showed that it depends upon ourselves whether their activity is harmful and destructive, or beneficial: upon our manner of living and of treating acute reactions.
What IS Inflammation (Infection)

Henry Lindlahr goes on to explain inflammation: "To me the story of inflammation has been one of the most wonderful revelations [to reveal or make known] of the complex activities of the human organism. More than anything else it confirms to me the fundamental principles of Nature Cure, the fact that Nature is a good healer, not a poor one.
Before inflammation can arise, there must exist an exciting cause in the form of some obstruction or of some agent inimical [harmful] to health and life. Such excitants of inflammation may be dead cells, blood clots, fragments of bone and other effete matter [waste products] produced in the system itself or they may be foreign bodies such as particles of dust, soot, stone, iron or other metals, slivers of wood, etc. When one or more of these exciting agents of inflammation are present in the tissues of the body in sufficient strength, [they] call forth the reaction and opposition by the body's healing forces."
What Happens during Inflammation [Infection]

Blood rushes to the area of irritation, with its nutrients and healing substances, including white blood cells, which causes increased blood pressure, swelling, redness and pain.
  • "Germs do not become toxic until they get into a toxic environment."
  • Infection or sepsis is generated by the decomposition--fermentation and putrefaction--of dead animal and vegetable substances and secretions. We hold to the theory of the Unity of Infection. Infection is due to the absorption of decaying animal or vegetable matter and is always the same in whatever part of the body it takes place.
  • The deadly germ on the hands, lips, drinking cups, hanging straps of street cars-- in fact, found anywhere and everywhere--is not deadly until it gets mixed up with man's deadly, dirty, filthy physical and mental habits." Germs do not become toxic until they get into a toxic environment.
  • Before a morbid process can evolve, the power of the part or of the body as a whole to generate its own immunizing agents must be broken down or overwhelmed.
Resistance & Immunity
  • "The whole immunizing theory is a vicious circle, and is annulled by the facts that when people do not live in a manner to enervate and check elimination, they do not become infected; and when infected, if they overcome enervation they rid themselves of infection, and stay rid of it."
  • Malnutrition always causes lowered resistance and it is safe to say that no person ever suffers from "infections" and "contagions" who has been adequately nourished.
  • Some "infections" are said to confer immunity; some make one more susceptible; some confer lasting immunity; others confer immunity for only a limited time; some confer full immunity; others only make future "attacks" less severe. It is doubtful that biologic law is so chaotic as this indicates. I prefer to think there is something wrong with the theory.
What is "Immunity?"
  • The theory that "disease" immunizes against itself is very old, having existed in folk-lore for ages. There is not the slightest evidence that it is true, but the medical profession has accepted it and built a very remunerative practice thereon.
  • We contend that it is health--that health gives the best immunity against "bacterial diseases."
  • The gist of the whole theory [immunity theory], and both the ancient logical but barbaric and the modern scientific practices based thereon, is that, in order to be immune to "disease," we must first become "diseased," or, as it is now taught, have an animal become "diseased" for us--a form of vicarious salvation. Immunity, in this theory, does not depend on health, nor upon the causes of health, but upon "disease" and the causes of "disease."
  • The truth in a nutshell is that the so-called infections are autogenerated (generated by the body itself), and are avoidable by rational healthy living.
What we call pus is made up of the bodies of live and dead white blood cells, blood serum, broken-down tissues and cells, in short, the debris of the battlefield.
We can now understand how the processes just described produce the well-known symptoms of inflammation and infection. We can also realize how lack of nutrition, poisons/toxins, and obstruction and destruction in the affected parts and organs interferes with and inhibits normal healing and detoxifying activity.
Facts about Germs (viruses, bacteria, fungus/candida and cancer)

  • "germs live off of dead matter"
  • "In the septic tank, sewerage is reduced by them [germs] until it finally passes out pure water in which fish may live."
  • "they [germs] are purifying and beneficial agents"
  • "Germs do not, cannot, attack healthy tissue. They are . . . scavengers, and are busily engaged in reducing dead organic matter to the dust from whence it came."
  • "From the stand-point of Natural Science, germs cannot be regarded as the cause of "disease," for, if they are, we should all be the victims of one or more germs at all times."
  • "If bacteria can attack and kill healthy tissues, organs and organisms, then it should not be long before these bacteria shall have destroyed all the higher forms of life and have the world to themselves."
  • "If the bungling "scientific" man does not stop the natural flow of healing serum with antibiotics, drugs, antiseptics, surgery, and obstructive dressings, healing will be done by "Nature's way."
  • When digestion is normal, the bacillus is utilized as food along with the lobster. All of the digestive juices are germicidal and normal digestion digests germs as readily as it does apples or bread."
  • "[a germ] attempts to assist in the removal of undesirable material by liquifying it."
  • "Bacterial toxins are metabolic products of bacterial activity, their character being determined by the feeding habits of the patient."
  • "The germ is a busy body waiting everywhere for organic matter to give him a job by fertilizing the soil in which he likes to play and work."
  • "If in diphtheria, the bacillus (actual bug) is not found, the illness is renamed something else," says the Encyclopedia Britannica.
  • "If germs cause "disease" why don't they produce "disease" in a healthy body?"
  • "How foolish, then, to look for the "infectious agent" and ignore the circumstances which disarm the body against microbic invasion. It is difficult to understand why a whole profession has gone insane on the subject of germs, to the utter neglect of those states of metabolism and nutrition which when vitiated, constitute the open sesame to germ invasion."
  • The researchers have falsely and wickedly heralded the fear-engendering story that the world is teeming with a host of vicious microscopical and ultra-microscopical beings against which no amount of integrity is a shield and the ravages of which we can escape only by placing ourselves in bondage--a servitude born of fear--to the man with the squirt gun and hollow needle.
  • An unreasoning way to rid the victim of germs and parasites is to destroy them with germicides and parasiticides. After killing them off what is to be done about the habitat--the patient? The belief that germs can be killed inside the body is untenable, for any chemical that destroys micro-organisms also destroys the body. Even if medical men are still trying to kill "venereal germs" with drugs, the fact still remains that they damage their patients more than they do the germs.
  • Neither the pueumococcus nor the tubercle baccillus (TB) can be killed in situ [on location]; but if they could, what of it? To kill or remove a natural effect leaves the cause as active as before, if not more so. So, nothing is really gained.
  • There is much evidence to show that the use of germicides [antibiotics, antifungals, etc.] actually lowers resistance to germs. One example will suffice. Carbolic acid kills germs-- human blood kills germs. But if carbolic acid is added to blood, it destroys the blood's defenses so that germs grow more rapidly.
Only Nature Can Provide the Cure

Nature does not suppress the growth and multiplication of disease germs until the morbid matter on which they subsist (live off of) has been decomposed and consumed, and until the inflammatory [infection] processes have run their course.
Drugs, antibiotics, vaccines, etc. given in powerful doses at different stages of any disease can stop and suppress germ activity and the processes of inflammation and infection before healing and detoxification has run its natural course, and before the morbid (dead) matter has been eliminated.
Therefore, viruses, bacteria, fungus/candida and even cancer cannot be cured by "killing them off" or by "trying to get rid of them" by burning, surgery, etc. They are only cured by building up the immune system, which is done by:

  1. Consuming "proper nutrients" that all human bodies must have in order to be healthy.
  2. Eliminating toxins and foods that feed viruses, bacteria, fungus/candida and cancer.
  3. Eliminating damaging foods.
  4. Eliminating toxins in general.
When the immune system is strong enough it automatically "makes" any bug change back into the organism they are supposed to be when the body is healthy. For more information see The Germ Theory of Disease is False and The Antibody Theory is False.
It is like the manure pile and the flies, with the manure pile representing the poor condition of the body. You cannot get rid of the manure pile by killing off the flies. You must clean up the manure pile instead, which means building up your immune system (as above).
Successful Self-Help Health Programs You Can Do


  1. Herxheimer Reaction
  2. Poisoning - Symptoms
  3. Symptoms and First Aid for Poisonings by the University of Maine Farm Safety Program.
  4. Germs, Infection, Resistance & Immunity.