Genius Pipe Waira hits the (Genius) pipe!


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Mar 11, 2013
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fine-ass '22 harvest!
:welcome: Welcome Genuis Pipe folken! Thank you so very much for hooking us testers up with this fab' kit! :worship: :headbang: :thanks: ........*(Karma kode: Waira-AFN)

>>> The kit showed up promptly in fine condition, and totally "stealth"....

.... All's well inside,...

>>> First impressions of the pipe are very nice! The machining is very high quality, fit and finish too :thumbsup:,... To test the sealing, I tried to draw air through while all snugged up,... nearly nothing, just a tiny amount from under the slide cover, main body is clamped tight! Impressive,...:woohoo1:
It feels absolutely billet stout in the hand, heft is considerable even as Aluminum...
Magnets are powerful, but not obnoxiously so; it comes apart fairly easy but certainly won't just flop open...
The slide plate action is easy and secure....
Inside is where the trick stuff is! Knobbed for your smoking pleasure- :hump: :rofl:


>>> So, time for a couple bowls of testing! :smoker1: ... my choice for this will be Think Fast (semi-auto, Dutch Passion)

.... packing a bowl, one notices it's a shallow one,.. might be some room to tuck it in deeper, which I'll try later,... other testers noted, this isn't the best for group sharing, but pipes aren't really anyway IMO,... for me and another friend, it's fine... You have to keep it flush if you want to use the slide cover, or the stuff above the bowl can get dragged around,... For this test, I didn't bother, I wanted full unobstructed draw,.... pardon the missing post-hit pics, I botched those :doh:, so I'll get more later!

First impressions there are also very good,... It draws so easily, you have to be careful! Now, to see where I'm coming from, let me say I'm not a regular pipe user anymore, it's seldom called for with me,... Any pipe, no matter how well engineered, is going to hit more harshly than a bong or well rolled joint (at least the first half :biggrin:)... it's "direct injection" no matter how you slice it! That said, this is one of the best hitting pipes I've ever tried, though you really have to be gentle on the uptake because of the effortless draw, flow dynamics are like grease on glass :rofl:....Uncontestably cool smoke! With this pipe, I see myself enjoying smoking this way more often, way way better than my old beater wood pipe,...
I packed a second bowl the next day with hash topping, and got just baked to a golden brown--:dizzy: :haha: ... pipe smoking hits hard!

I'll post toking pics later, redo's.... ditto for cleaning. I saw how they do it in the vid's, but I can find better ways frankly,.... ease and fast are the keys regardless! :thumbsup: I'll try a few things and post them when it's time,... Cheers! :smokeout:
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:welcome: Welcome Genuis Pipe folken! Thank you so very much for hooking us testers up with this fab' kit! :worship: :headbang: :thanks: ........*(Karma kode: Waira-AFN)

>>> The kit showed up promptly in fine condition, and totally "stealth"....View attachment 867214

.... All's well inside,...
View attachment 867215 View attachment 867216 View attachment 867217

>>> First impressions of the pipe are very nice! The machining is very high quality, fit and finish too :thumbsup:,... To test the sealing, I tried to draw air through while all snugged up,... nearly nothing, just a tiny amount from under the slide cover, main body is clamped tight! Impressive,...:woohoo1:
It feels absolutely billet stout in the hand, heft is considerable even as Aluminum...
Magnets are powerful, but not obnoxiously so; it comes apart fairly easy but certainly won't just flop open...
The slide plate action is easy and secure....
Inside is where the trick stuff is! Knobbed for your smoking pleasure- :hump: :rofl:
View attachment 867221

View attachment 867219

>>> So, time for a couple bowls of testing! :smoker1: ... my choice for this will be Think Fast (semi-auto, Dutch Passion) View attachment 867223

.... packing a bowl, one notices it's a shallow one,.. might be some room to tuck it in deeper, which I'll try later,... other testers noted, this isn't the best for group sharing, but pipes aren't really anyway IMO,... for me and another friend, it's fine... You have to keep it flush if you want to use the slide cover, or the stuff above the bowl can get dragged around,... For this test, I didn't bother, I wanted full unobstructed draw,.... pardon the missing post-hit pics, I botched those :doh:, so I'll get more later!
View attachment 867224 View attachment 867225

First impressions there are also very good,... It draws so easily, you have to be careful! Now, to see where I'm coming from, let me say I'm not a regular pipe user anymore, it's seldom called for with me,... Any pipe, no matter how well engineered, is going to hit more harshly than a bong or well rolled joint (at least the first half :biggrin:)... it's "direct injection" no matter how you slice it! That said, this is one of the best hitting pipes I've ever tried, though you really have to be gentle on the uptake because of the effortless draw, flow dynamics are like grease on glass :rofl:....Uncontestably cool smoke! With this pipe, I see myself enjoying smoking this way more often, way way better than my old beater wood pipe,...
I packed a second bowl the next day with hash topping, and got just baked to a golden brown--:dizzy: :haha: ... pipe smoking hits hard!

I'll post toking pics later, redo's.... ditto for cleaning. I saw how they do it in the vid's, but I can find better ways frankly,.... ease and fast are the keys regardless! :thumbsup: I'll try a few things and post them when it's time,... Cheers! :smokeout:
I actually tried a different way of cleaning it yesterday.
I removed the slide and screen. Poured iso in the bowl hole and filled unit up for about 5 min. Was just dump and rinse after that.
Great review @Waira! great looking flower on that Think Fast too! Superb looking trichs on it as well! Hows the flavor through the Genius? Are the floral notes more bold through a genius over a traditional wood pipe? Stay lifted with that Genius my friend!:thumbsup:
:cheers: :smokeout: Thanks guys, appreciate the comments and visit! :toke:

>> Brim, to me the flavor carries through better any other pipe I've used... the first hit or two is prime! I think being able to clean the pipe regularly keeps the tarry build-up from messing with the flavor, unlike other pipes where that tar deposits over exposed surface areas, and taints the flavors.... :nono: ...honestly, decades back in the "old days", money was tight, buds spendy, and sometimes scarce, using a pipe was the most efficient way to smoke,.. also convenient/portable,...:eyebrows:...Fortunately that's long past! :rofl:

>>> @Simplicio --- answered that at the bottom of the post,... :biggrin:
:toke: Cheers Sang'!

:greencheck: OK, time for a cleaning!

..... Knowing how much easier it is to clean a glass bong when it's hot from water rinsing, the same principle applies to metal,... I bagged it up and set it in the sink in hot water...


.... take it apart and use a toothbush with at least 91% iso',... dunk in a small clean alcohol filled container, and lightly scrub just like your teeth,... start top down, dunk, scrub, repeat,... the little mister is handy for rinsing away dissolved gunk,...


... rinse well to remove residuals, wipe dry,... done! This doesn't use a bunch of alcohol either,... unless you knock the clean iso' container over! :haha:

.... best of all, it cleans so well, there's no tar smell or taste! :wiz: ....niiiiiice,....
Toothbrush! Exactly what I had in mind as well. I used a wee brush I had about but was thinking a toothbrush would be perfect.
:coffee: whoa! 5 months later already... :doh: :rofl: .... Just an update here,... Still a pleasure to use! Shape and design are so stealth, most folks are surprised to find out it's a pipe...
Plenty of interest in it, I'm hoping it set the hook deep enough to get some buyers for Genius!