16 weeks



The plants have been flowering for 2 full months today.
The buds and main colas are filling up every day more and more.
Watering every 2 days. One with a full dose of Tiger Bloom and the next with PH balanced spring water alone.
The leaves are changing in color and texture.
Some dry up completely from one day to the next.
It was to be expected because of the flowering process sucking up all the plant's energy and resources.
I always keep them super clean, specially the bottom branches.
Measuring from the rims of the pots, the plant on the yellow bucket is now 27" high.
The plant in the green pot is 24" high and the other 3 plants in brown pots are 23" even. Some bushier than others of course.
I've grown them with a Mars Hydro TSL2000 light and brown bag Happy Frog soil from Fox Farms.
I am very pleased with their progress. I already ordered a magnifying jewelers loupe from Amazon and it will be here on Tuesday.
In the meantime I would like to thank everyone for their help and support always.
Any comments or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
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