1/2lb a month from a 4x4.

This is a Test Field


Still don't know which plant is the FB Apricot and which is RQS Orion, both pretty small but going for it. The smell of the smaller plant is outrageous! The pic's too big to download, I;ll have another go.
View of a true perpetual grow, there's a seed on the light you can see germinating, tomorrow will be day one for this FB Strawberry Gorilla. Far right corner has a 4 week old DP MAC#1. Near left corner and middle are RQS Orion and FB Apricot at 8 weeks, far left is a DP Cinderella Jack which is 12 weeks old, and the big one front right corner is a monster Glueberry OG which is an outrageous 16 weeks old. All autos, 6 different plants, 5 different stages, doing ok in my 4x4 tent.
I germinated the seed on time, an FB Strawberry Gorilla, then put it on a windowsill and forgot about it till today, what a nob! Anyway I buried this plant deep in a 25L pot and am hoping for the best.
DP auto Cinderella Jack coming up to 13wks, and is on Ripen. I don't rate Ripen as a forcing liquid but use it as a simple nutrient in late stage flowering as my plants taste better when I use it, I'll pull this next week or so.
DP auto MAC#1, coming up to 5 weeks old, a very nice size and shape, no problems at all so far.
The 2 plants going into flower at the front are FB Apricot and RQS Orion, both nice lovely little things though the smaller of the 2 has an incredible smell for such a wee thing, I'm really looking forward to smoking these.
This DP auto Glueberry OG is huge (for me), and is coming up to 15wks old and is not going to be finished any time soon. I'm not worried - I love this weed and absolutely am looking forward to having a huge harvest and perhaps a personal best.
Well my inexperience with large plants is beginning to show, I had some mould on the auto Glueberry, so have removed all of the mouldy stuff and about 1/3 of the plant, the thing's still huge and there's plenty left for a very decent yield. I also had a mouldy spot on the auto Cinderella Jack, which I removed, and a load of it to try fresh frozen BHO, also to reduce the plant size to give the others more light. I have a bit of condensation towards the bottom of the tent, which was mouldy, so i pulled everything out and went mental with my Flash Speed Mop. My fans are in shit shape mainly because when I harvest I usually clean the tent check the plants, recalibrate my Value meter just essential tasks that I ignored as I haven't harvested the plant yet. I assume it's the sheer amount of biomass that my little 5inch fan can't cope with, Ive done heavy defoliation and opened a vent. Obviously I need a bigger tent and extraction fan, and better fans. I have 650w of light and about 130w of fans, I
The pic of a week old FB Strawberry Gorilla is too big to load - it's got 2 leaves! Here's a pick of auto Mac#1 in situ and in the shower.
It's 5 weeks old today.
FB Apricot and RQS Orion, both 9 weeks old today, both pretty immature for their small sizes, but am only trying them out to see if the weed is worth doing. If either of them is very nice weed I'll do the next ones in 35L+ pots. After these pics were taken I did heavy defoliation and snapped a whole branch off one of them. The FB Apricot at 1 week old is the tiy plant at the bottom.
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The auto Glueberry, I reduced this plant by a 1/3 and it's still huge. I've just got to get in there and remove an absolute ton of immature growth from the middle of this thing and prioritise the main buds - it's 17 weeks old!
View from the front of the tent. Even with the problems I have and face with humidity, it's still a joy to grow these wonderful plants.
FB Apricot and RQS Orion, both 9 weeks old today, both pretty immature for their small sizes, but am only trying them out to see if the weed is worth doing. If either of them is very nice weed I'll do the next ones in 35L+ pots. After these pics were taken I did heavy defoliation and snapped a whole branch off one of themView attachment 1610109
And there's the week old FB Strawberry Gorilla in the bottom
So, pretty heartbroken to have to remove so much of the auto Glueberry, but I wasn't meeting her needs and have totally lost control of the environment with condensation on the walls of the tent. So
I was pretty gutted earlier, but conditions in there are very good again, heat is high but humidity is a million times better (approx), humidity was way too high, that was the entire problem really. Oddly it seems I'm not concerned about the amount of light the younger plants receive, knowing when their turn comes the lights will do them proud. Going to 30+L pots was absolutely a mistake for Glueberry, but I've grown this 3 times (3 plants) and each time I increased pot size, and each time I got increased yields as the plants got bigger and I got better at promoting vertical growth. At no time was I thinking anything sensible about this plant other than 'wow', and paid no heed to the sheer flower density of this particular phenotype (predominantly single bladed leaves, and very very dense.) it reminds me very much of DP Blueberry, which some complete bastard at sunrise hydroponics in Burslem sold me for my first attempt at growing (£98 for 10 seeds!). I did absolutely shit and got nothing and sold some loved vinyl albums to pay for them. I do much much better now, though I still can't understand branch structure at all, and simply train plants wider and shorter, or tall plants may get slightly trained to give the spears more space to swell into. I budget 15 weeks per plant, the vast majority that I grow finish in weeks 13-14 reguardless of what the seed company says, but this Glueberry is over 17 weeks old, with a month in her. So I did this.

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