First coco/dtw run

So I've been lurking on this forum for a little over a year now, posting some questions here n there, but I've mostly posted on growdairies for the ease of use.
However since I'm gonna start something I haven't tried before and I got all the info, I might aswell give this a try too :smoking:

A little summary what I've been up to so far.;
Having so such a broad selection of awesome genetics it was not an easy task making bean choices.
The lucky test candidates that went for germination are; #inzaneauto & #purplethaiauto by @theethosmagazine, #killermandarin by @urban_legends2021 and #sherbertautoflower by @seedstockers_seeds

They will be grown either in 3.5l or 7l airpots (not sure yet) with Atami B'cuzz Cocos.
I will be using a drip irrigation system from @g_toolsholland for dtw combined with nutrients from @dutchpro_nutrients

While the beans are germinating I had some time to prepare the new setup I will be testing next run.
It will be a step away from big soil pots into small pots for semi hydro, with some coco in between.
Been reading all about on the forums here. Will mostly be following the high fertigation method as explained by @Truu knows about coco




Germination succes & first transfer

So 8 out of 9 beans germinated. The one that didn't do anything was an Ethos Inzane. I'm still giving it a chance in the Jiffy, but not counting on it.

IMG_6589.jpeg Shame, but I was counting on having 8 plants anyway.. :pass:

After being in the Jiffy pellets for a few days I started to notice little tails on the bottoms, so decided to put them in the coco.
I'm using Atami b'cuzz coco, which already has a little bit of nutrients, so I only soaked the coco with plain (ph'd) water.
Let the pots acclimate and warm up a little in the tent and transferred the sprouts after a few hours.


I'm doing some more experimenting and have put 4 in 3,5l airpots. The other 4 in 1,5l airpots. These will be later transplanted to a 6,5l airpots.
Some larger zip bags over them to keep the humidity high. I still have two ladies finishing in there :shrug:

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Up until now I have been giving them plain water with a little Dtuch Pro "Take root".
Will be starting fertigation today, around 450, and will try raise the ppm and amount daily.
First few days will be once/day, but this will also be raised.

Seedling failed

So seems like 1 of the seedlings failed and didn't really want to grow. Not quite sure what happend :shrug:
It sort of never sprouted a tail in the germination box, but decided to transfer to the jiffy with the rest.
Seems like it never sprouted a tail in the Jiffy either, but did open the cotyledons :nono:


Decided to germinate 2 extra Ethos Inzane and purple thai to replace the one that didn't germinate and now the failed on.
The others seem to be ok.


Continue fertigation build up, now at 550 EC.
Also, I think it's about time to remove the humidity devices :smoking:

Seedlings growing up & more bean failure

So 7/8 made it and are growing well.
Been upping the feed ec everything I fertigate.
On 1200,- twice a day now. Not going to increase anymore.
Will hopefully repot at the end of the week and increase the amount from 2 to 3 times a little after.

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One is staying quite small, not sure what is up with that one.


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The four Ethos beans I was germinating have all failed again...
One decided to grow cotelydons without a taproot again.

Really no idea what is up with these.. That's 6 out of 8 failed :oops1:

Transplanting time & last shot

So most of the ladies have filled their 1l airpots by now (or enough to be transplanted) into their final 3 and 6.l containers.
I know I should/could leave them longer, but they are auto's and I'm being cautious for this first try.Next time..


They have taken well to their new homes.


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After all the Ethos bean failures I decided to give it one last shot to fill the empty space.
Popped a bean straight into a 1l coco pot. Giner Punch auto by Kannabia. Lets see :shrug:

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Update & succes

Ginger Punch germination succes and she seems to be strong one! :cooldance: :smoking:


Ladies are growing well.
Having some issue's keeping the ph in the nutrient tank on the sam level. Keeps going up.

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Topping time

Because of the drain table my height is rather limited currently.
All the ladies seem to be quite strong, are on day 25/26 and have 5/6 nodes so I've topped them (apart from 2).
It was my intention to mainline, but kinda chickened out went for 2 nodes/4 branches on all of them instead.

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Taking it like champs! :woohoo:

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LST time

After the topping I gave the ladies a few days to recover.
Grown out the new top branches a little and now they seem strong enough to bring those branches down again to try and get everything on the same level.

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Let's see how they do in a few days.

Oh ye, I also increased the fertigation frequency to 4 times a day now.

Good growth

The ladies seem to be taking well to the training and feeding schedule.
Maybe a little too much some times :pass:




The Ethos Inzane that didn't get topped is of course stretching her legs now...:doh:
so I had to crop the main. Didn't take her long to reposition.



So far so good!

It's getting bushy

So the growing keeps going...
I'm kind of running into problems maintaining humidity with all this veg mass.
Think I will start lolly popping and doing some defoliation very soon!



Inzane is showing some issue's


Clean up

To try n fight the high humidity and improve airflow I took away all the lower growth (first 2 nodes of each branch)




Trying to keep up

Started feeding Dutchpro Explode.

The lollypopping and defoliation seem to help with the humidity, I can keep it around 60% now.
So I'm gonna keep up with that and snip a few leaves at a time on a daily basis.
Maybe every two days, mostly focussing on removing overlapping leaves in the middle of the plants.


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Also cropped the main on the Inzane again.


Fattening up

Forgot to post the updates here, so I'll show some of the most recent pictures.
I've been keeping up with the (more or less) weekly defoliation.

Fed them Duchpro Explode up untill now and will start lowering the nutrients again to start flushing.

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