First Eazy Pyramid Grow

Day 28


Another good update today. I've pretty much just been feeding daily and tucking fan leaves to reveal bud sites. I'm trying to figure out if I should feed twice a day, I tested it for 2 days and got some minor burned tips so not sure if I should continue. Still feeding 5ml/gallon and mixing 3 gallons at a time. Just mixed up a fresh res today and added 3.5ml/gallon of carbo load to get the buds some sugary goodness.

All the girls have really been stretching the past few days and bud sites looking good. No trichs yet but shouldn't be too long.

Lowered RH to 50 today since we are officially out of pre-flower and into flower.

Trying to figure out if I should do any defoliating. With as much stress as these girls have already endured I'm not sure if I should mess with them or not. I'm gonna do some research and make a decision. The only one that looks like it could really use some defoliating is the Durban Sunrise. It is also shorter than the rest. Must be a genetics thing.

Also, ph perfect is still not doing its job. I have to ph down every day. I ph to 5.8 and the next day it is up to 6.2 or so.
Next page: Day 47
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