Guide to Using AFN Review System


Welcome to next addition to the AFN Communal Blog. We have the Gladiator system in place that lets members test products and participate in competitions.

The review system is a great addition. This is function tucked away in the sidebar and navigating it's menus allows you to pick categories, create polls, ask other reviewers questions, and more.

Let's begin by navigating to the sidebar where alerts and account management is located.


On next page I'll explain how to get started.

Creating A Review

From the previous page you should be looking at the below


Select Add Item that is in the red circle. From there you will be brought to the next screen below.


There are various categories here from breeders to vapes. Select the one that applies for your review.


It is pretty straightforward compared to handling blogs. You get a spot to enter everything, choose tags, prefixes, etc. When are done - hit Save

Managing Reviews

The review system is simple to use very little navigate. Below I'll outline the basic features as that is all there really is.


In the menu there isn't much to do or really explain. Creating polls, editing the review or cover image and deleting are about the extent.

The only other features are either beside the menu as Write a Review and Ask A Question


This is a space to leave questions for reviews.


Here you can submit a review of a review with a star system.

This is an incredibly simple system is somewhere to leave constructive criticism for companies. Thank you for reading. Leave questions or suggestions in the comments

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Death The Cultivator
Read time
1 min read
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