Strawberry banana auto

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strawberry banana auto
hello folks iv never really messed with the blogging function on here so i thought what better way to see how it works than to jump in and try it out
i have two strawberry banana from fast buds in 3L pot with some light mix the strongest will get too live the weaker will be culled in the first 10 days after that the victor will sit in the corner of my main grow or wherever she can get some light
hopefully we can get a few buds out of her
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Hey dude! You can add pages for each day/week you wanna post updates, that'll give you a little index on the right handside. Handy to jump from a moment to another. There is guide on how to blog also, but the link don't seem to work
Awwww yeah bro, the dark side calls you haha....she looks brilliant dude, you are doing some good work there bro :bump:
Hello, any follow up on this plant? I have the same strain at 13 weeks and I am waitimg for the trichromes to turn brown. So far they are all creamy white. Did your trichomes change before you harvested? Tyia

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Trichome farmer
Read time
1 min read
Last update

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