Indoor MasonJar’s Indoor Adventure

Day 77
  • The Popesicle is all done drying in the Herbsnow dryer. Weighed in 133gr


    the rest of the tent is in its final week or two. Looks like Vanilla Latte will be next.

    The magic melon is getting some nice big colas.


    Day 78
  • Pushing these girls hard with some extra feedings of Overdrive. Not a whole lot to say just bigger sticky buds today ;-)

    I’ve got my list for run #2 in the tent once it’s empty and cleaned up. I’m starting 3 photoperiods in there right now for transplantation to the 25gal outdoor rain science bags.

    Run #2 List:
    Blue Dream - Humbolt Seed Org
    Mango Isle f2 - NightOwl
    Mandela Effect - NightOwl
    Spotless Mind - NightOwl

    all sativa dom by the way. Run #3 I already have an idea for that run but we will see how I feel at the end of summer.

    SmokeTest - Popesicle is some really tasty shit. Get some and grow some. Multiverse Beans still has some and picked up 4 more packs it’s that good.
    Day 79 Vanilla Latte
  • I started the chop on the vanilla latte. Let the lowers get some light for a few days while the colas dry. Got 8 main colas that are all really nice and dense with a sweet vanilla citrus nose.
    Scale: Tray is 17 1/2” x 13”
