Reputation profile of 420autoflower

Reputation profile of 420autoflower

Sea of green master
Dropping the Hammer.
I bet every time you take a look at them you can't stop grinning!
Looking brilliant man
Excellent work
Stunning SoG
Consistent quality of growing.
Beautiful tent full of bud 420!
Amazing carpet of buds.
Sea of green master
20 points for having no problem with getting 20 points!
This IS a cannabis growing forum. The largest and longest running autoflower forum in the world. Built 20 reputation points at a time (some say.) :-D
Are you so sure about that? Wink wink. Nudge nudge.
I don't need reasons to touch people with reputation *staring at you longingly*
Hydro in action!
Amazing. Bookmarked for reference on defoliation! Very consistant looking.
Looking amazing!!
More good stuff. Great contributions to this site!