I've been using this light for over 2 years now.Since February 2022 up until Now it has been on in near constant use,Since it was first installed it was on constantly for 1 year 24/7 as I never gave my plants a darkness period.I then opted for a 20/4 light schedule and have been using that schedule up until now.So it's practically been on constantly for 1 year and then a 4 hour off time each day for 1 year after that.I think that's amazing because it's just as bright as it was when it was first installed.Never any problem or malfunction with this light.I think this light is awesome and i would highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for an amazing light.It is built very well and lasts a long time and is still going strong now and growing great plants.I've documented every grow and they can be found in my signature below my posts and content as verification for a 2 year ReviewThanks @Marshydro KEEP IT LIT