
  1. marilyn monGROW

    New Grower HERE WE GO! first time budget grower

    alright! our son turned 18 and moved across the country and i was thinking of turning his bedroom into a craft room or maybe leave it a guest room, but what do i REALLY want? large amounts of homegrown! i'm BRAND NEW to growing. i mean, i grow some garden veggies out back but i'm not known...
  2. Gatti1605

    New Grower Auto Mazar closet grow (Dutch Passion)

    Whats up guys, I thought I'd post some entries for my first grow for some advice and other beginners to look at when it's finished. This is going to be a discrete closet grow done pretty cheaply. I germinated and planted two Dutch Passion Auto Mazar seeds into two fairly large pots. I'm using...
  3. PickleRick

    Grow Mediums PickleRicks first DWC - LED

    I'm Pickle Rick! :) So let's get the tech talk out of the way shall we. Grow room A 90x60cm closet dressed in mylar. Temps started out a bit high in the room, but summer is slowing down. As of now it's quite stable between 25C-27C (77F-80.6F) during the day and 22C-24C (71.6F-75.2F) during...