Aug 21, 2017
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I'm Pickle Rick! :)

So let's get the tech talk out of the way shall we.

Grow room
A 90x60cm closet dressed in mylar.
Temps started out a bit high in the room, but summer is slowing down. As of now it's quite stable between 25C-27C (77F-80.6F) during the day and 22C-24C (71.6F-75.2F) during the 4 hours the light is off. Water temps between 20C-23C (68F-73.4F)

Skyline 400w. (20/4 light schedule)

2x 20L (5gal) buckets with hydroton in netpots.

Air pump
30L/min, so 15Lmin per bucket, with one big circle air stone in each.

Advancet nutrients Sensi Bloom A-B
Advancet nutrients Voodoo Juice
Advancet nutrients Rhino Skin
Advancet nutrients Sensisym
Advancet nutrients Big Bud
Advancet nutrients Overdrive
(Other brands), cal/mag, sm-90.

...and a pH pen and a EC/ppm pen.

So, I've been lurking here a few months since I decided to switch to autoflowers.
My first two grows were in soil, and both of them were by no means great. :) but that's another story.

My plan was to grow Dutch Passion, but thought I should try some cheaper beans first.
So I dropped two Green house Seed Company - Auto-Bomb, (27th july). One of them were slow and didn't show it self for a week. And by then I had germinated a new seed, also green house. Super Critical Auto.
And good thing I did, the slow bean didnt grow more then it's first set of leafs.

Let me bring you up to speed, lets start with the Auto-Bomb. :)

Day 1 - Auto-Bomb

Here she is the first day, july the 27th. I almost messed up alreay, I thought I should help her out a bit and remove the seed shell. Ofc I accidentally yanked her out of the root tab. But put it back best as I could, and no harm done. :)

The first week and a few days she was sitting in tap water, but switched to RO cuase she had some problems as you can see further down. She is in the middle of week 3 right now and here is what she's getting.

5ml Sensi Bloom A
5ml Sensi Bloom B
4ml Cal/mag
10ml Voodoo Juice
8ml Rhino Skin
8ml SM-90
pH 5.8 (


Day 2-3


7 days


10 days
Here you can see the first sign of trouble. Spots forming..
Also this surprised me alot, she started to smell really skunky already.


15 days
You can clearly see the leafs, something is wrong. Don't mind the yummyness. :)
I removed the bad leafs somewhere between here and the next week.


Day 21
Lots of rust, havn't been able to find the problem yet, (the yellow padding is just for light leaks).
By now her smell has turned into coffe and dark chocolate. :)


Day 23
We are now up to speed, this is last night. Removed the next set of really brown leafs.
But as you can see it's still coming. Any help is greatly appreciated!
It always starts on the older leafs first and gets worse and worse. Here is my theory, the only one I can think of...

When I ordered my nutrients, the shop had run out of Sensi Grow. And if memory serves I read some where that you could do with bloom nutes from start. So is there something in the Grow bottles they are not getting? Or are they getting too much of something from the bloom nutes?

Any and all help as I said is greayly appriciated. :)


I will end the post here, next post will be the Super Critical Auto from seed to now. And after that I will update them at the same time. :)

If you made it this far, cudos! I probobly forgot a whole lot. Will answer any and all questions to the best of my ability. We are all here to learn and help each other right?
Happy growing :D
@sanguine Let's hope so. :d5: ...root pics are coming soon!

But first here is the Super Critical Auto, she popped up 6th of august, and is currently on day 16.
Right now she is on -

5ml Sensi Bloom A
5ml Sensi Bloom B
5ml Cal/mag
10ml Voodoo Juice
8ml Rhino Skin
8ml SM-90
pH 5.8

Day 1


Day 2


Day 4


Day 12

Here you can clearly see the deficiencies. I'm thinking it's phosphurus? The oldest leafs get hit first, turning darker green.
Then start to develop the spots you see, to then curl up.


Day 14

Removed the first set of leafs, by now they did more bad then good imo.


And that's girl nr 2. :biggrin:
Day 26

You can see how the deficiancy is eating it's way up.

Worst part, cut them off tonight.

The roots of the Auto-Bomb

Both girls got some lst tonight.


Day 16

Super Critical Auto
More sick leafs..

The most effected part


And the lst


Despite thier problems, they are both growing quite well.
Don't know if dwc plats by this stage are more developed or not, as this is my first grow in dwc, and third grow altogether.
The pH of both buckets are 5.8 tonight and around 250ppm.
Hey rick...caught your intro and want to help you out, but i know nothing really of DWC....maybe @witchyhour and @Waira can help you out with your issues. Good luck!!

Definitely do grab some Dutch Passion strains to grow...they are very strong potentially huge plants for sure.

@912GreenSkell Thanks friend! :d5:
Oh I have some already. Just wanted to do a "test" grow first not to mess it up when I plant them.
Got some great advice in the infirmary yesterday.
Changed the water in both buckets, upped the cal/mag from 4ml to 12ml. Still less than half recommended by advanced nutrients for correcting a cal/mag issue.
And since it's so high in N, it upped my ppm to 390. Also finally got my hands on sensi grow A B, so switched from grow from bloom.
Raised the light up 10cm and did a light foliar spray with 2ml/L cal/mag. Fingers crossed!

A few pics from today, enjoy! :smoking:






Look at that, not even 3 weeks old. Also, removed my white plastic things I used for LST. In theory they seemed great, but the stalk thikens so fast that they grew in to the stalk. Removed them from both plants, battle scars!

Happy friday ppl! :pass:
Hey Rick thought I pull up a chair and see if I could lend a hand - not that I'm an expert by any means. I am only on my second hydro grow but I have been growing in soil for a couple of years. On my first hydro grow I had a problem like yours. I do not add cal/mag until I get to week 4. Around week 5-6 I started to see leaves that looked like yours. I figured that it was w cal/mag def so I upped the dose. The problem did not improve, so I upped the dose again but the problem seemed to be getting worse. After a bunch of research I began to think that I actually had a P def, so I began to try to increase the P. Nothing helped. A few weeks after I had harvested I ran across something that @Muddy said about going lite on the cal/mag supplements as too much cal looks just like a P def.

Muddy said "Add enough to your base water to bring the starting ppm to between 125 - 150, then add your nutes. My RO is 12 ppm and 3 ml per gallon gets me to 125. Too much calcium can be an issue as well. It can lock out the nutrients and you'll start getting what looks like a P deficiency. What I run into in rdwc is the occasional strain related magnesium deficiency. Some just need more than others. I treat those with epsom salts rather than adding more cal/mag."

Hope this helps and you get it sorted out. Forgot to mention - nice thread, very informative.:cheers:
Day 26

You can see how the deficiancy is eating it's way up.
View attachment 795305

Worst part, cut them off tonight.
View attachment 795306

The roots of the Auto-Bomb
View attachment 795307

Both girls got some lst tonight.
View attachment 795308

Day 16

Super Critical Auto
More sick leafs..
View attachment 795309

The most effected part
View attachment 795311

View attachment 795312

And the lst
View attachment 795313

Despite thier problems, they are both growing quite well.
Don't know if dwc plats by this stage are more developed or not, as this is my first grow in dwc, and third grow altogether.
The pH of both buckets are 5.8 tonight and around 250ppm.

Looking real good. Where did you pick up that little white plastic piece to turn the branch for lst?