stone dragons

  1. South Syder

    Dragon Meds BlackStone Fems!

    Howdy, Popped three BlackStone fems I got free with my last Autoflowerportal order and though I know roughly what to expect, I'm still hoping for a strong result. Got 'em in my usual perlite wick method till they get some size and put down roots. EC is already at 1.0 and pH at 6.3 and here's to...
  2. Peteey010

    Dragon Meds Pete's Dragons

    I have been gifted some dragons and feel very blessed. I've been doing lots of research and have decided to start with some Stone Dragons to dip my toe in the water so to speak. I also have some Blackberry Stone and Purple Tomb Stone to try. I'll be growing four of each at any one time if that...
  3. FreeBee

    Dragon Meds Entering The Stone Portal of Dragons

    Hey Folks! How you all doing today? So let me explain a little why i came to the decision of trying out some of these genetics. I've always liked smoking recreationally however never very often and never large amounts. I found it always helped me with back/joint pain from being in the...
  4. AKsteel


    :dragon5:AKSTEEL DRAGON GROWS: This will be a continuous thread that I am putting my Dragon grows into. So to start it off I am going to attempt the very popular STONE DRAGON :dragon3: GROW DETAILS: Seeds: Stone Dragon Regulars x 4. From Medium: Promix HD amended with...
  5. South Syder

    Dragon Meds Beware The Dragon's Breath!

    Howdy, Yup! I'm addicted to Dragons -- a regular groupie -- so cracked two Yoda's Dragon's Breath beans and awaaaay we go! Just finished some Black/Stone Dragons and I'm over the moon with the outcome. But the smell! I just looove that f-ckin' smell! Gonna keep Dragons in my den every grow from...