Indoor 40oz of Cosmic Queen/ Ebb & Flow/ LED


Hydroponic Autoflower Cultivators
Dec 3, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Nutter Budder
Hello stoners, growers and hobbyist,

I am less than a week away from popping these beans and attempting to apply all of my accumulated knowledge into growing 40oz of beautiful Mephisto Genetics. I am currently awaiting a few new additions to my set up which I plan to detail below before I get started. I will give a full detailed description of all my items, pricing, where to find etc leading up to the grow but before I do I wanted to give a little bit of an intro on the method and style.

I guess you could call this "the why." The why is always going to come back to one thing ....simplicity. Going into horticulture can be a very overwhelming experience. There are 100 different questions, especially when you start off with hydroponics. I have discovered through my grows however that there was a steady pattern. A universal truth if you will and that is the more variables you can eliminate the more success you will have. So I set off to do just that. I am not saying this is the easiest method by all means. Shit, you can throw some beans in the dirt outside in your garden and come back a few months later and have some plants to smoke. I am saying my methods and reason eliminate a lot of the stress and variables many struggle to maintain without a lot of years of experience. So with out further ado lets see what we are getting into shall we.

The Beans: 100% Certified Mephisto Genetics - Cosmic Queen. x6

Anyone who has grown Mephisto all ready knows the solid and success they can give you with minimum effort.


The Medium: Hydroton Clay Pebbles

It doesn't get any simpler than rocks you can wash off. Plus, who wants to spend time with mixing soil etc. I hate dirt lol.


Method: Ebb and Flow. Flood/drain = for 4 mins every 4 hours. (All grow)

Once again, I hate dirt lol. But out of all the hydroponic methods of growing this one leaves the most room for mistakes. The timing is what it takes the system (listed below) to fill it to about an inch from the seed. This frequency has worked perfect for me 1. Never had dropping or curling do to over/under watering. 2. It works perfect with my light cycle.

System: Oxygen pot 6-site

This by far one of the easiest all in one systems. Set your start and stop times and go. It air prunes the roots, lots of oxygen, no root rot, and no doesn't clog the drains.


Water: Tap Water- PH'd to 6.0-6.3

Nothing fancy. My water isn't anything special. It's normal city tap water. I'll share the breakdown of it as well. I have debated a reverse osmosis system or even just a de- chlorination system but I have never seen any negative side effects of my tap water so I cant justify the cost/time/ and wasted water.

Nutrients: Mega Crop 2.0 @ 3 grams per gallon of water. (All grow)

That is correct. That's it and nothing more. I have spent hundreds of dollars of nutrients and my best results have been with this all in one solution. The additional add on's they offered where supposedly off set by the reformulation they performed and it performs great all by itself. The amount is based on the results I've seen measuring PPM's though out 3 grows now and I find any more than that and that plants don't use it. I also tested some new seedlings in this strength and they loved it.


Air Flow: AC Infinity T4 Cloudline w/carbon filter and (2) 16 inch wall mount oscillating fans.

I really wanted to increase my exhaust system but after testing it in the current size of room it performs great. I really only need a few air exchanges per hour to keep fresh oxygen in and keep the CO2 high.


Lighting: (2) Driverkerr 300W LED's @ 20/4 cycle.

So I wanted to test some Chinese made lights because I knew what I wanted out of my LED's. I wanted high efficiency and even PPFD. So after getting 1 and running some testing to see if they performed to spec I was pleased with the results and decided to by a 2nd for even more light coverage. The results are a rather even canopy of around 600-800 PPFD over a 4x8 area. The light cycle is for 2 reason. 1. I noticed no difference in anything over this. 2. It matches my flood cycles.


Environmental Controls: Dehumidifier / humidifier / heater (75degs F and 65% RH) all grow

I have to look them up but both my dehumidifier and humidifier have digital controls which allows me to set it where I want to maintain. My heater I have a controller for but I might just mess withe the analog knobs to keep it where I want this round. I have followed VPD charts to a Tee and Ill be honest. Its too much and the gains are null avoid. You can grow at these rates all grow and just keep good air circulation and your plants will love it. A 2nd advantage is being able to dry in the same room. Your plants will never dry below 65% and throw them in jars with humidity packs for a few weeks and vent frequently until they settle at 62.

Exhale c02 Bag - I seen a few people run test on these and they really do provide a solid 900-1100 ppm of co2. Just tried and true and simple.
Fluval U4 filter - This runs in my nutrient reservoir and just helps to filter debris and build up.
SCROG- I built a 2 tier system using netting, some 2x2's and some cylinder bricks. I wanted something portable and was inspired by a trip to a professional grow to do 2 rows. The 1st is the scrog the 2nd is for support when they get larger and need support.


I feel like I am forgetting some stuff but I hope you all enjoy the ride. I am hoping this grow goes as well as all my grows have thus far and I don't make a fool of myself lol.

Shall the Marijuana gods smile upon me for the next 3-4 Months!:vibe:
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Hello stoners, growers and hobbyist,

I am less than a week away from popping these beans and attempting to apply all of my accumulated knowledge into growing 40oz of beautiful Mephisto Genetics. I am currently awaiting a few new additions to my set up which I plan to detail below before I get started. I will give a full detailed description of all my items, pricing, where to find etc leading up to the grow but before I do I wanted to give a little bit of an intro on the method and style.

I guess you could call this "the why." The why is always going to come back to one thing ....simplicity. Going into horticulture can be a very overwhelming experience. There are 100 different questions, especially when you start off with hydroponics. I have discovered through my grows however that there was a steady pattern. A universal truth if you will and that is the more variables you can eliminate the more success you will have. So I set off to do just that. I am not saying this is the easiest method by all means. Shit, you can throw some beans in the dirt outside in your garden and come back a few months later and have some plants to smoke. I am saying my methods and reason eliminate a lot of the stress and variables many struggle to maintain without a lot of years of experience. So with out further ado lets see what we are getting into shall we.

The Beans: 100% Certified Mephisto Genetics - Cosmic Queen. x6

Anyone who has grown Mephisto all ready knows the solid and success they can give you with minimum effort.

The Medium: Hydroton Clay Pebbles

It doesn't get any simpler than rocks you can wash off. Plus, who wants to spend time with mixing soil etc. I hate dirt lol.

Method: Ebb and Flow. Flood/drain = for 4 mins every 4 hours. (All grow)

Once again, I hate dirt lol. But out of all the hydroponic methods of growing this one leaves the most room for mistakes. The timing is what it takes the system (listed below) to fill it to about an inch from the seed. This frequency has worked perfect for me 1. Never had dropping or curling do to over/under watering. 2. It works perfect with my light cycle.

System: Oxygen pot 6-site

This by far one of the easiest all in one systems. Set your start and stop times and go. It air prunes the roots, lots of oxygen, no root rot, and no doesn't clog the drains.

Water: Tap Water- PH'd to 6.0-6.3

Nothing fancy. My water isn't anything special. It's normal city tap water. I'll share the breakdown of it as well. I have debated a reverse osmosis system or even just a de- chlorination system but I have never seen any negative side effects of my tap water so I cant justify the cost/time/ and wasted water.

Nutrients: Mega Crop 2.0 @ 3 grams per gallon of water. (All grow)

That is correct. That's it and nothing more. I have spent hundreds of dollars of nutrients and my best results have been with this all in one solution. The additional add on's they offered where supposedly off set by the reformulation they performed and it performs great all by itself. The amount is based on the results I've seen measuring PPM's though out 3 grows now and I find any more than that and that plants don't use it. I also tested some new seedlings in this strength and they loved it.

Air Flow: AC Infinity T4 Cloudline w/carbon filter and (2) 16 inch wall mount oscillating fans.

I really wanted to increase my exhaust system but after testing it in the current size of room it performs great. I really only need a few air exchanges per hour to keep fresh oxygen in and keep the CO2 high.

Lighting: (2) Driverkerr 300W LED's @ 20/4 cycle.

So I wanted to test some Chinese made lights because I knew what I wanted out of my LED's. I wanted high efficiency and even PPFD. So after getting 1 and running some testing to see if they performed to spec I was pleased with the results and decided to by a 2nd for even more light coverage. The results are a rather even canopy of around 600-800 PPFD over a 4x8 area. The light cycle is for 2 reason. 1. I noticed no difference in anything over this. 2. It matches my flood cycles.

Environmental Controls: Dehumidifier / humidifier / heater (75degs F and 65% RH) all grow

I have to look them up but both my dehumidifier and humidifier have digital controls which allows me to set it where I want to maintain. My heater I have a controller for but I might just mess withe the analog knobs to keep it where I want this round. I have followed VPD charts to a Tee and Ill be honest. Its too much and the gains are null avoid. You can grow at these rates all grow and just keep good air circulation and your plants will love it. A 2nd advantage is being able to dry in the same room. Your plants will never dry below 65% and throw them in jars with humidity packs for a few weeks and vent frequently until they settle at 62.

Exhale c02 Bag - I seen a few people run test on these and they really do provide a solid 900-1100 ppm of co2. Just tried and true and simple.
Fluval U4 filter - This runs in my nutrient reservoir and just helps to filter debris and build up.
SCROG- I built a 2 tier system using netting, some 2x2's and some cylinder bricks. I wanted something portable and was inspired by a trip to a professional grow to do 2 rows. The 1st is the scrog the 2nd is for support when they get larger and need support.

I feel like I am forgetting some stuff but I hope you all enjoy the ride. I am hoping this grow goes as well as all my grows have thus far and I don't make a fool of myself lol.

Shall the Marijuana gods smile upon me for the next 3-4 Months!:vibe:

Excited to watch.

Agreed with your sentiment towards VPD. I'm curious about the exhale bags without a sealed room.

Good luck.
Excited to watch.

Agreed with your sentiment towards VPD. I'm curious about the exhale bags without a sealed room.

Good luck.
Just loaded pictures and welcome! I cant not lie, I do not have a co2 meter and have never measured the concentration. However I do keep the air exchanges to a min to try to keep the levels high. This is more guess work than anything lol
Just loaded pictures and welcome! I cant not lie, I do not have a co2 meter and have never measured the concentration. However I do keep the air exchanges to a min to try to keep the levels high. This is more guess work than anything lol

It's cool lol. Just curious especially once you posted pics.
I also have a nice DSLR camera now so I plan to get some really nice photos this round. I plan to update every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. If I miss an update, please bare with me as I am working full time and going to school full time on top of this side hustle lol.
Yeah, I actually find growing just as therapeutic as smoking, man! Can't take it when I don't have a seedling or something going! Haha!
So we are missing the 2 fans. ETA 2morrow and the 2nd light ETA Wednesday. I will re-post pics with the bean drops when in place. The total area to grow is about a 13x10 room I built in the basement with insulation 360 degrees.
Bean Drop 11/26
Hey huge thanks to everyone who has subbed up to follow! It is nice to share with someone..even if they are strangers on the internet lol.

I did get my 2nd light, fans and 2nd humidifier in and ready. Yes my 2nd humidifier:sad: . It was suppose to be my main but after watching it struggle to keep the whole room humid with as cold and as dry as its been. I put my old one back in as a backup/power boast.

2nd light.jpg

So here I have my plugs, my seeds and my incubator. I don't know if that's what it is called but it is what I've always called it . All ready to go! I moisten the plugs and put a little bit of water in the bottom of the tray. Drop the beans in the holes and put the lid on it. I know there are a ton of ways to germinate. What are some of the methods you all use? Let me know.

ready to go.jpg

And finally, I use a little bit of each plug to cover the tops to block any light that might seek to destroy my seeds chances. Well this is it Not the most exciting post but hopefully the first of a very fruitful adventure. Thanks again for checking out my grow. I hope you stick around til the end and see what we can do! Happy smoking!
