Indoor 40oz of Cosmic Queen/ Ebb & Flow/ LED

i had a pink grapefruit from shortstuff seeds that got its helmet wedged on that seemed stunted like that she didnt do anything for ten days then took off like usain boldt, i put her in a smaller pot but now wish i hadnt lol

That is why I am scare to remove it. Its not going to hurt anything being there I think so Ill leave it for now. :)

strange that netting problem seems to be worldwide iv searched high and low for 3inch squares:shrug:

Yea its missing. If I had the capitol Id produce gardening supply lol. After much thought I think 3 inches would be perfect as I don't believe I've ever had a stem that wide
That is why I am scare to remove it. Its not going to hurt anything being there I think so Ill leave it for now. :)

Yea its missing. If I had the capitol Id produce gardening supply lol. After much thought I think 3 inches would be perfect as I don't believe I've ever had a stem that wide

Speaking of which ...can anyone make a good recommendation on the height of a scrog for auto's? Most tutorials say around 12' from the bucket but this seems really low to me. Any suggestions?
Just found and read thru this journal. :nicethread: Outstandingly clear, sufficiently detailed, and totally entertaining. :thumbsup:
Very interested in the whole ebb-&-drain thing, so I'll be following this closely. Many thanks. BTW, I grew my 1st Cosmic Queen last year and loved it.

Hello Everyone,

Once again I missed my update but I am still keeping it going and plan to keep this updated as much as possible. So here we are, the beginning of pre-flower time. I decided to go with the 12 inch height on the scrog netting. It seemed really low at first, but as they stretch I think it will be just the right height to weave them under and fill up most of the canopy. I have been keeping the lights around 15-20" away from the tops. I know they can get closer but I feel like it stresses them out when I start getting near the 12 inch mark. The one in the bottom right is about 1.5 weeks behind. Well that is all I have for now. HAPPY NEW YEARS!

Just found and read thru this journal. :nicethread: Outstandingly clear, sufficiently detailed, and totally entertaining. :thumbsup:
Very interested in the whole ebb-&-drain thing, so I'll be following this closely. Many thanks. BTW, I grew my 1st Cosmic Queen last year and loved it.

Yo! Thanks for following along. Its a really cool system, you get the benefits of hydroponics with out having to worry about your electric going out etc. If you have any questions about it let me know. :)
Sorry mates, I know I havnt posted since the new year, but I have been supper busy. I got 4 papers I have to get completed in 2 weeks times and a bunch of restructuring happening at my job. Actually the pictures I have are a week behind where they are but the progress is huge! I'm supper excited.I was clearing out the lower fluff ( I have never done this before) and you really do have to gauge each branch on if it will actually become something or is it wasting energy. I also got a chance to get a good smell of it since it has begun to get a little sticky and it is amazing! Well, I hope everyone enjoys. I have some papers to write. Happy Growing!

So What I tried to do was a get a picture from every angel.
I spaced them under the first scrog until every node was full.
I than added a 2nd layer to support them as the colas finish.
It looks like it will be a fruitful harvest in a couple of weeks.
Hello again. I am back with another quick update. The stretch has finally finished and it has been stacking and frosting. I didn't get too many pictures but you can kind of see where I am at with it. Once again nothing has changed. The environment is staying between 75-80 degrees F and RH between 60-65%. Feeding is still every 4 hours and nutrients are still only Mega Crop at 3 grams per gallon. The only changes I have made it to engage my 2nd fan to blow across the tops. Since I only ended up with 5 instead of 6 I am not sure I will hit my goal of 40oz's. However I do regularly get around 5-6 ozs per plant with a single light. So If I can pull 8 off of each that will be a nice harvest. Well anyway I hope you all enjoy. Feel free to ask me any questions.

Alright I'm back. I have only more frost and more filling out to do. I'm thinking another 2 weeks Ill start to check the tri chromes. However I just recently posted in the infirmary regarding this same issue I do run into on every grow towards the end. Its not all the plants but always a few of them start to turn yellow and get spots like they are having deficiencies. Outside of that though I am really happy with the way these girls are turning out.





Alright I'm back. I have only more frost and more filling out to do. I'm thinking another 2 weeks Ill start to check the tri chromes. However I just recently posted in the infirmary regarding this same issue I do run into on every grow towards the end. Its not all the plants but always a few of them start to turn yellow and get spots like they are having deficiencies. Outside of that though I am really happy with the way these girls are turning out.

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Beautiful plants there, makes me jealous that I can't flower anything out. Looks really good.
Hi All! So I was worried about some discolorations and decided to check them to see where were at and was surprised to see so much cloudy and amber trichromes. So we started the chop on 1 of the girls (furthest along it seemed) last night. I have a bunch of pictures but I have to downsize them whenever I use my good camera. So once I get time to throw them in the editor Ill post em up. Stay tuned!
