Indoor 420'z Auto Kush Grow :-)

Day 40
Gracie Day 40 :smoking:


:headbang: ppp
She looks great! I’ve got some of these beans so I’m excited for the journey! Any scent from her yet?
Day 42
Gracie Day 42 :smoking:


well, i'm not sure what thoze leavez are tryin to tell me, lol (possible n defic-? idk), but overall, she'z lookin ok, so i bumped up her megacrop jus a wee & we'll see what happenz :shrug: ppp
Day 46
Gracie Day 46 :smoking:


soooo, any ideaz-? cuz i sure as hell don't have any, lol :doh: some have said a possible p defic and/or a calmag issue...i dunno what to do :shrug: her next watering will be some mikrobz, but after that, i'm not sure...i could either up the mc, or mebbe pull out the blue planet 2-part liquid nutez and/or calmag i still have on hand...the suggestion box is open, cuz all is not the best in Gracieland :rolleyes1: ppp
all I can say is I wouldn't up the nitrogen. Maybe P. If it were me I'd go with bloom ratio nutes if anything. I'm just guessing,,, but when the greenhouse asters start getting that tip fade we turn off the nutes for a week.
How the hell did I miss this one?? Oh yeah, some stoner forgot to tag me! :crying: the grows looking great grow bro. I have no input on the leaf issues, but I'll be following along now!
How the hell did I miss this one?? Oh yeah, some stoner forgot to tag me! :crying: the grows looking great grow bro. I have no input on the leaf issues, but I'll be following along now!

@Path1976 :biggrin: ppp
@420Forever hey bud. I’m not a plant doctor but the colour is telling me hungry but looking closely she’s got a bit of burnt tips so that suggests nute burn. I had a similar issue with one of my current plants (royal cheese) and it drove me bonkers to the point I nearly pulled her but all my issues were from low PH. A few feeds low with nutes and plenty of lime did the trick for me but not before I stunted her arse. Like I said it’s just a hunch but I hope you get to the bottom of it fast. I’m tagging @Waira coz I think no one will give you better advice than him. Good luck pal. :smoking::pighug:
Yeah, I would agree that the root of the nute issues is probably ph based. I would check/correct that first.