Aphids in Grow Tent Flowering Stage

Jun 27, 2021
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I just found a few aphids crawling around the underbbelly of the leaves in 2 of my 4 plants that I have jammed into a 32x32 tent. Should I treat them with Neem oil or a product recommended by a local green house, Monterey Horticultural Oil or some thing else. I dont want something that will skank up the taste of the smoke. The buds are 2 weekes old but the aphids I found were under a few leaves not in the buds but I wasnt going to start plucking buds. Can anyone recommend a good product that wont taste funny and how to apply it? Thanks!
I just found a few aphids crawling around the underbbelly of the leaves in 2 of my 4 plants that I have jammed into a 32x32 tent. Should I treat them with Neem oil or a product recommended by a local green house, Monterey Horticultural Oil or some thing else. I dont want something that will skank up the taste of the smoke. The buds are 2 weekes old but the aphids I found were under a few leaves not in the buds but I wasnt going to start plucking buds. Can anyone recommend a good product that wont taste funny and how to apply it? Thanks!
The first thing you want to do is look for ants. The ants farm the aphid and you need to eliminate them first. Sugar and Boraxo 50/50 placed near the nest will kill them and is not dangerous to other animals or bugs. The first option is just hand control like you are doing but if you think that will get out of control get some lady bugs and as a last ditch before using biologicals is to take the plant where you can spray it off with water. If none of that will work then Spinosad is the biological of choice for me.
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I had some non-marijuana plants in my yard last year covered with aphids and I sprayed them with neem oil mixed as instructions in a pump sprayer repeatedly and it did nothing to them. Late Summer growing outdoors I have had weed covered with aphids really bad. As MOG stated, spray them with water. Since I get them when growing outdoors I use my garden hose and a high pressure nozzle and blast them off when I had a six foot photo bush. Probably have to repeat several times. I also check the underside of fan leaves and if they are infested I defoliate and then burn the leaves in my brush pile.

I don't like using neem I got from a hydro shop as it coated the leaves and buds and I prefer not to smoke or injest it If you need to try something to get rid of them, spay the plant down with a soapy solution in a pump sprayer and then spray it down outdoors with a garden hose.
The first thing you want to do is look for ants. The ants farm the aphid and you need to eliminate them first. Sugar and Boraxo 50/50 placed near the nest will kill them and is not dangerous to other animals or bugs. The first option is just hand control like you are doing but if you think that will get out of control get some lady bugs and as a last ditch before using biologicals is to take the plant where you can spray it off with water. If none of that will work then Spinosad is the biological of choice for me.
Thanks for the input! I dont like spraying Neem either but it seems like it is one of the few natural controllers without having to completely defoliate the plant. Fortunately the aphids are 1zy 2zys but I want to stave off any potential of an infestation. Summer in AZ is so hard to work outside and spray plants. Leave them outside for even an hour and you get five finger fan chips cause everything cooks so quickly. I wil try to get them outside for a good fresh water high pressure, dousing and then get them right back inside but Im sure the aphids are on the tent, lights wires, etc. Heck I found mosquito larvae in my humidity cups this morning and my Neem/soap concoction didnt even phase them.

If there are only a few aphids shouId I worry about them? There are no ants, the tent is on the 2nd story of an ant-free home (so far, knock on wood). IS "Safer's" soap a prodcut that can be used indoors with no side effects? Does anyone have a "recipe" for aphid be gone. Thanks in advance from the guy who keeps buggin you.
Thanks for the input! I dont like spraying Neem either but it seems like it is one of the few natural controllers without having to completely defoliate the plant. Fortunately the aphids are 1zy 2zys but I want to stave off any potential of an infestation. Summer in AZ is so hard to work outside and spray plants. Leave them outside for even an hour and you get five finger fan chips cause everything cooks so quickly. I wil try to get them outside for a good fresh water high pressure, dousing and then get them right back inside but Im sure the aphids are on the tent, lights wires, etc. Heck I found mosquito larvae in my humidity cups this morning and my Neem/soap concoction didnt even phase them.

If there are only a few aphids shouId I worry about them? There are no ants, the tent is on the 2nd story of an ant-free home (so far, knock on wood). IS "Safer's" soap a prodcut that can be used indoors with no side effects? Does anyone have a "recipe" for aphid be gone. Thanks in advance from the guy who keeps buggin you.
Soap will affect the flavor of your crop. I would never use neem on my meds. Many home mixes have aromatic herbs and spices that will flavor your bud and not in a good way.
When you take the plants out and spray them with water I would wipe the tent, poles, and equipment with an insecticidal soap solution. Turn off the power before you do and do not let any solution get inside any electrical components. This will help get rid of any eggs or aphids in the tent.
And sprinkle some Diatomaceous earth on top of the growing medium to help control any aphids in the pots.