Old Reviews Ardent FX

Ardent FX
Thanks Dale! I do wish the discussion was threaded with the main post. Ah well.
I do like the look of that, I have been looking for a new gadget for a while, I have my eyes on the Source Turbo and the 'Pot by Noids' - the Ardent looks very similar to the Pot
Well written review!
A tip on infusing, when the infuse cycle is finished and it's cooling down. pull and filter as soon as you can. You can recover more oil the warmer the material.
You can clean up the oil by placing a coffee filter over the French press plunger/filter part while first filtering or afterwards.
When doing large batches, like recovering goodness from worked dry ice hash material, you reuse the oil from one infuse cycle for next. It will just add potentcy.