Mephisto Genetics Autotron does Mephisto Sour Crack & Sour Hound - Kindsoil, 200-1000W MH/HPS


I used to smoke weed. I still do,but I used to too
Apr 16, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Cartridges from a melange of old frows
Just dropped three Sour Crack and one Sour Hound for what will hopefully be a quick tasty run! Here's my setup:

Tent size - 4'x4' with carbon filter and Vortex fan.

Lighting - I have an adjustable 400w digital ballast and an adjustable 1000w digital ballast. Both made by iPower and can be adjusted to 50/75/100% power. I aim to stick with only the 400w, but we'll see how it goes.

Pot size - 3 gallon fabric smart pots

Nutrients - Organic grow. Half a 5 pound bag of Kindsoil in bottom of each pot for 2.5 pounds in each pot, covered with straight Roots Organic. Seeds placed directly in Rapid Rooter plug placed into center of pot and lightly watered with tap water left to sit for a week to gas off chlorine and pH'ed to 6.5 with lemon juice(I'm going to get Earth Crystals as recommended). I also put in some Great White to give the soil life a boost.

This is my first time using super soil of any kind. I read through the entire Kindsoil forum before starting. On the site, they recommend three pounds per pot for autos, but I feel like even 2.5 pounds is a lot for this pot size and such small, fast strains. 2.5 lbs fills up half the pot easily. I was worried about putting too little in though and suffering in flower. I'm hoping I don't get any burning of the plants.

What do you guys think is a good amount of Kindsoil for a 3 gallon smart pot for such small fast strains? I was tempted to put even a quarter or third of a bag in each pot, but thought I should play it by the book, given this is my first time using it.

I'll be back in a couple weeks to update this grow with pics and news, once I see something substantial.
Sounds good man. Personally, I ran into some cal-mag deficiencies running KindSoil. Some strains seem to do great with only water while others need a little boost. Just keep an eye out once you hit flowering, KindSoil kicks ass through veg. :thumbsup:
@Seabass thanks for the heads up! I've got some GO CalMag, so I'll use that if need be. What was your lighting situation? Did you use LEDs, fluorescent, COBs or HID lights? I've read that LED grows generally need CalMag more than HID grows.
Indeed LEDs. So perhaps your HPSs might not need as much calmag. GO CaMg+ is what I used as well, a good choice for super soils. Quite a few on AFN had a range of experiences using KindSoil, you'll crush this grow and any issues you may run into will be crushed by the insane amount of help and knowledge on AFN. :thumbsup:
Indeed LEDs. So perhaps your HPSs might not need as much calmag. GO CaMg+ is what I used as well, a good choice for super soils. Quite a few on AFN had a range of experiences using KindSoil, you'll crush this grow and any issues you may run into will be crushed by the insane amount of help and knowledge on AFN. :thumbsup:

It definitely looked like a mixed bag as far as results with Kindsoil here on AFN. I tried to glean some lessons from both the successful and not so successful grows that I read about. I'm going to make sure my water is on point, as far as being dechlorinated and pH'ed with only citric acid. It seemed like that was a big problem for a lot of folks. My water was sitting at 7.4 after a week out. I'm using a fair amount of super soil, so hopefully that will provide a decent amount of nutrients throughout the whole grow, including flower. If I see any deficiencies or clearly lackluster development in flower, I'll cook up an ACT suited for bloom. I'll also make sure not to overwater the soil and get the good microorganisms in the soil by adding Great White to my first few waterings.

This is such a good community with such great vibes! Everyone is so helpful, positive and chill here. A lot of great discussions and mutual help. Thanks man!
It definitely looked like a mixed bag as far as results with Kindsoil here on AFN. I tried to glean some lessons from both the successful and not so successful grows that I read about. I'm going to make sure my water is on point, as far as being dechlorinated and pH'ed with only citric acid. It seemed like that was a big problem for a lot of folks. My water was sitting at 7.4 after a week out. I'm using a fair amount of super soil, so hopefully that will provide a decent amount of nutrients throughout the whole grow, including flower. If I see any deficiencies or clearly lackluster development in flower, I'll cook up an ACT suited for bloom. I'll also make sure not to overwater the soil and get the good microorganisms in the soil by adding Great White to my first few waterings.

This is such a good community with such great vibes! Everyone is so helpful, positive and chill here. A lot of great discussions and mutual help. Thanks man!
I have to say that I personally have really liked the KindSoil. It is been working really great I have had to add a basic Tea or two. But all in all I am really really happy with it. Also about the calcium and magnesium deficiency is in relation to LED's and HID'S. since both calcium and magnesium are mobile elements they move through the plant and are directly correlated to the transpiration rate because LEDs do not cause transpiration at a higher rate like the sunshine does or even HPS to some degree that's why you see more prevalent in use with LEDs. Just a little useful info lol. You're going to do really good I can tell that your attention to detail is spot on and that is 90% of the battle I am subbed up and ready to watch
A little update for folks here. One of the Sour Hound and one of the Sour Crack never germinated and one of the Sour Crack had a bit of damping off on the stem, flopped over and died about a week in. So, I put in another Sour Crack and a Sour Livers to replace them. So now, I have two Sour Crack, one Sour Hound and one Sour Livers. I think I may refer to this bunch as the Sour Patch Kids, lol.

I've been battling fungus gnats with this grow. I swear, every single bag of Roots Organic I've ever opened up has fungus gnats, without fail! I've seen others complain about this too. I've started off by sprinkling diatemaceous earth on the soil along with some fly paper to catch them. When I get some time, I'm going to mix up some Neem Oil in water with a bit of wetting agent I just bought and spray them all down liberally. I think I may have to switch to my old favorite, Biobizz Lightmix after this to top off the Kindsoil. Never had any issues with that soil. It's just harder to find in my area, so I need to special order it.

Here they are so far! The Sour Hound on the top left has shown tremendous vigor from the get go(she's 13 days old). The Sour Crack is a day or two younger and looking fine as well. The other Sour Crack and Sour Livers are just a couple days old. I have them all at 200w of MH right now, about 10-12 inches from the light. When I checked the lumens with my lux meter, it was putting out about 25k at the tops of the plants, which I think is a healthy amount for this seedling stage.

Second pick is some of my "tools" so far for this grow. I really hope this Kindsoil grow works out! I love the idea of not having to worry about nutrients, being able to grow different strains at different phases of life with different nutrient requirements without mixing custom solutions for each one, and of course, getting super tasty potent and clean organic buds!

My apologies for the sideways pics. This seems to happen after I strip the metadata from them. I'll have to figure out a way to fix this going forward.


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A little update for folks here. One of the Sour Hound and one of the Sour Crack never germinated and one of the Sour Crack had a bit of damping off on the stem, flopped over and died about a week in. So, I put in another Sour Crack and a Sour Livers to replace them. So now, I have two Sour Crack, one Sour Hound and one Sour Livers. I think I may refer to this bunch as the Sour Patch Kids, lol.

I've been battling fungus gnats with this grow. I swear, every single bag of Roots Organic I've ever opened up has fungus gnats, without fail! I've seen others complain about this too. I've started off by sprinkling diatemaceous earth on the soil along with some fly paper to catch them. When I get some time, I'm going to mix up some Neem Oil in water with a bit of wetting agent I just bought and spray them all down liberally. I think I may have to switch to my old favorite, Biobizz Lightmix after this to top off the Kindsoil. Never had any issues with that soil. It's just harder to find in my area, so I need to special order it.

Here they are so far! The Sour Hound on the top left has shown tremendous vigor from the get go(she's 13 days old). The Sour Crack is a day or two younger and looking fine as well. The other Sour Crack and Sour Livers are just a couple days old. I have them all at 200w of MH right now, about 10-12 inches from the light. When I checked the lumens with my lux meter, it was putting out about 25k at the tops of the plants, which I think is a healthy amount for this seedling stage.

Second pick is some of my "tools" so far for this grow. I really hope this Kindsoil grow works out! I love the idea of not having to worry about nutrients, being able to grow different strains at different phases of life with different nutrient requirements without mixing custom solutions for each one, and of course, getting super tasty potent and clean organic buds!

My apologies for the sideways pics. This seems to happen after I strip the metadata from them. I'll have to figure out a way to fix this going forward.
Get you some mosquito bits for the fungus gnat problem. Just sprinkle in top of the soil and water. No more FGs
Get you some mosquito bits for the fungus gnat problem. Just sprinkle in top of the soil and water. No more FGs
Works like a charm like Derek said. I get it for like 5 bucks from the hydro store, haven't had any issues since!