Best Ever Glass (and Steel) Cleaner, and its cheap!


Clean Glass + New Whip
Jan 2, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Island Sweet Skunk, Comatose, el Chapo, and others.
I read about this sometime last year somewhere (if it was here, apologies to the op) I just tried it myself and it is as good as "Orange Chronic", "Purple Power", etc and even better than some of the others.

There is inexpensive stuff at your winemaking shop called Powdered Brewery Wash (PBW). I simply put a small amount in a jar with ISO and put my glass and steel parts in it to soak a few minutes. Everything rinsed off, and the metal screens look brand new! All of the other ones are going in now, for sure.

Simple. Cheap. Reusable. Effective.
Salutations VitaMan,

Everything rinsed off, and the metal screens look brand new!

Personally i much prefer just to clean with 94 % alcohol once every few months, while torching the screen works fine in between.

In my particular case NO glasware is really required at all to make Inlet Water portable anyway...

Good day, have fun!! :peace:
I read about this sometime last year somewhere (if it was here, apologies to the op) I just tried it myself and it is as good as "Orange Chronic", "Purple Power", etc and even better than some of the others.

There is inexpensive stuff at your winemaking shop called Powdered Brewery Wash (PBW). I simply put a small amount in a jar with ISO and put my glass and steel parts in it to soak a few minutes. Everything rinsed off, and the metal screens look brand new! All of the other ones are going in now, for sure.

Simple. Cheap. Reusable. Effective.
:rofl: I was a home brewer for 25 years and PBW is a staple in my cleaning supplies. In brewing it is used to clean your SS fermentors, nothing works better. I have not tried that on my nails but I will now. Thanks for the heads up.
I just put a top part of a very sticky grinder in, and watched. The resin and stuff formed little white balls in moments. I took it out, rinsed everything off, except the black stuff where aluminum rubs against itself, which was gone in one wipe. Repeated with the other top part and watched. Maybe 20-30 seconds, everything rinsed off. Aluminum in one wipe.

I left glass in longer, but maybe I didn't have to. The vapour is tarry and plant bits get baked on. I get baked too.
Next time i will do a quick one like today just to see.
I was a home brewer for 25 years and PBW is a staple in my cleaning supplies.

Star San turned out to be pretty useful, too.

Funny. You know how I like to make tinctures etc. The alchemy is as fun as growing and toking. But I can't get ever-clear here, and the only 151 is dark rum.

So the art of brewing has caught my attention. I am learning how to make 1 or 2 gal washes and make distillate. Also alchemy :)

Now I am becoming interested in small 1 gal. beers and meads but I haven't jumped in yet. Best to wait for seasonal produce, right?
These things take more space than I have and a bit more gear.
The rosin left behind on the nails laughed at the PBW.

This is a picture of my brewing gear. Yes, it takes a lot of space.

Brewing Equipment 002.jpg
The rosin left behind on the nails laughed at the PBW.

Guess its not strong enough for rosin debris then. My PBW solution is 99% ISO. My vaporizer glass needed a long soak and a bit of a scrub with ISO alone, so I am happy that I can get the job done and back to toking quickly.

Since I don't combust often I should get my son to put his bong bowl in, see what it does.

:biggrin: That brewing gear would fill my living and dining room!